Are shrimps healthy or unhealthy?
Regularly eating fish, especially oily fish, is recommended by various authorities such as the nutrition center. Eating fish regularly would improve cholesterol, blood pressure and a healthier body overall. Does this also apply to shrimp? Shrimps are a bit more expensive than many types of fish, but they can be very tasty. The larger shrimps, such as king prawns, can also provide a welcome change from other meals. However, shrimps are not fish and have their own health benefits and drawbacks. In fact, a shrimp can be both healthy and unhealthy, depending on the characteristics being looked for.
Unhealthy effects of shrimp
Shrimp also have negative effects. Shrimp contain a high level of cholesterol, which pollutes the veins and can lead to cardiovascular disease if consumed in excess. Omega 3, on the other hand, can also be found in shrimp, which in turn fights the accumulation of cholesterol in the body. However, it is advisable not to eat shrimp every day, as there is a risk that too much cholesterol will enter the body.