Pregnant and mushrooms
The mushroom, which is often eaten as a vegetable in the Netherlands, grows very well here in the Netherlands. The Netherlands is therefore one of the most important mushroom-producing countries in Europe. In particular, we buy a lot of fresh mushrooms that we use in our meals. Mushrooms are a healthy choice for pregnant women. They are high in vitamins and minerals and low in calories. In some cases, pregnant women should be careful when eating mushrooms. After all, improperly cooked mushrooms can be dangerous.
Mushrooms during pregnancy
Mushrooms are healthy and are part of a responsible diet during pregnancy. Although a mushroom is a fungus, it cannot harm pregnant women at all. Still, it is better not to eat raw mushrooms when you are pregnant to make sure you do not contract totoplasmosis. In addition, raw mushrooms may contain more agaritine, which may be carcinogenic.
Mushrooms are healthy and are part of a responsible diet during pregnancy. Although a mushroom is a fungus, it cannot harm pregnant women at all. Still, it is better not to eat raw mushrooms when you are pregnant to be sure not to contract totoplasmosis. In addition, raw mushrooms may contain more agaritine, which may be carcinogenic.