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Poached chicken with mushrooms
4 ServingsPTM150 min

Poached chicken with mushrooms

Dish of poached chicken with leeks, celery, carrot, pumpkin, chicory and mushrooms.



  1. Bring vinegar to a boil in a pan and dissolve the sugar. Chop the onion and cut the clean pumpkin into cubes.
  2. To taste, pour mustard, ginger powder, onion pieces, pumpkin cubes, raisins and salt into the vinegar.
  3. Let the pumpkin cook gently on low heat for about 1 hour until it is slightly binding. Press the pumpkin with a fork to a coarse knife if necessary. Then let it cool down.
  4. Cut the winter carrot into coarse slices, the onion, celeriac and leek into pieces and peel the garlic.
  5. Fruit in a large frying pan (in which the chicken will fit) the winter carrots, onion, leeks, celeriac and garlic for 5 minutes in oil.
  6. Put the chicken in the pan with vegetables and add as much boiling water as the chicken is just underneath.
  7. Chop the parsley roughly. Season to taste parsley, bay leaves, peppercorns and salt in the pan.
  8. Keep the cooking liquid on low heat just below the purchase point (it should not bubble). Poach the chicken - without lid on the pan in about 1 1/2 hours.
  9. Prepare the garnish half an hour before the end of the chicken cooking time (or after 1 hour). Melt the crème fraîche in a pan.
  10. Remove the leaves of chicory, cut into quarters and scoop them through the warm cream. Smother covered in 15 min. On medium heat. Season with salt and pepper.
  11. Cut the chestnut mushrooms and oyster mushrooms into slices or strips. Heat in a wok or large oil frying pan and stir-fry the mushrooms in 3 min.
  12. Season with salt and pepper. Remove the chicken from the pan, place on a dish and cut. Serve the mushrooms, chicory and pumpkin chutney as a garnish with chicken.


Sodium0% DV1.350mg
Fat42% DV27g
Protein50% DV25g
Carbs10% DV29g
Fiber28% DV7g

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