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Orange Marmelade
A tasty recipe. The vegetarian breakfast contains the following ingredients: press oranges (scrubbered), red grapefruit (scrubbered), lemon (scrubbed), sugar and jelly sugar (pack 1 kg).
Peel the fruit with a peeler and cut the skins into strips that are as thin as possible.
Bring 500 ml of water in a pan with the sugar to the boil and add the skins.
Cook for 25 minutes on not too high a fire.
Drain through a sieve and keep the skins.
Use a sharp knife to cut the white skin and the white skin of the flesh.
This is easiest if you peel the fruit, just like an apple, in a circular motion.
Cut the flesh into pieces and put it in a pan with the jelly sugar.
Bring to the boil and cook the fruit on low heat for 15 minutes.
Puree it with the hand blender.
Put a sieve on a pan and pour the fruit puree through the sieve.
Press as much moisture and pulp through the sieve as possible with a spoon.
Discard the remaining hard pieces and pips.
Stir in the peels through the fruit puree.
Bring the mixture to the boil for a few minutes and pour the marmalade into the cleaned jam jars.
Turn the lid on and turn it upside down for 5 minutes.
Allow to cool..
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Sodium24% DV570mg
Fat0% DV0g
Protein2% DV1g
Carbs7% DV22g
Fiber24% DV6g
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