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Breakfast salad
Salad of sweet vegetables, avocado, mint, yogurt, asparagus, eggs, chicory, sprouts and soybeans.
Bring a layer of 6 cm of water to a boil in a skillet and add the vinegar. Turn the heat down so that the water no longer bubbles.
Meanwhile, halve the cucumbers and peppers from the sweet-vegetable mix in the length. Remove the seed lists from the peppers.
Halve the avocado, remove the kernel and peel and cut the flesh into pieces.
Cut the fresh mint into strips. Put the mint, avocado and yogurt in a tall cup and puree with the hand blender.
Put the asparagus tips in a colander and pour boiling water over it.
Break the eggs carefully one by one above the water in the frying pan and poach them in 3 min.
Remove the leaves from the chicory. Meanwhile, distribute all vegetables next to each other in a deep bowl per person.
Put the dressing in small containers per person and place in the bowl between the vegetables. Put a poached egg on top and sprinkle with the sesame seeds and the rest of the mint.
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Sodium5% DV120mg
Fat51% DV33g
Protein50% DV25g
Carbs7% DV20g
Fiber52% DV13g
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