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Adams-Oliver syndrome: Skin and limb abnormalities

  1. Adams-Oliver syndrome is a rare hereditary condition in which the patient has defects of the scalp and defects in the fingers, toes, arms and / or legs. Problems also often arise with the ossification of the skull. In addition, additional symptoms are possible in the blood vessels, heart, brain and eyes. Orthopedic treatment is often required to treat the main symptoms. Other multidisciplinary treatments focus mainly on the presence of the symptoms, which vary greatly between patients. The disease was first described by Adams and Oliver in 1945.

Causes of the condition

  1. Gene Mutation

Diagnosis and investigations

  1. Physical Exam

Treatment: Multidisciplinary

  1. The syndrome is not curable, but the physician does provide supportive and symptomatic treatment. A pediatrician, an orthopedic and plastic surgeon, a cardiologist, a physiotherapist and other care providers work together. The scalp abnormalities heal without treatment within the first months of life. skin grafting, cranial surgery (= surgery on the skull) and / or other surgical treatments are necessary for the patients with underlying defects of the bones of the skull. Sometimes the patient wears a special helmet to prevent trauma to the head and possible damage to abnormally wide (dilated) blood vessels. Physiotherapy, surgery, and / or the use of artificial limbs (prostheses) are recommended for those patients who have no or only partially present fingers, toes, hands, feet and / or lower legs

  2. The syndrome is not curable, but the physician does provide supportive and symptomatic treatment. A pediatrician, an orthopedic and plastic surgeon, a cardiologist, a physiotherapist and other healthcare providers work together. The scalp abnormalities heal without treatment within the first months of life. skin grafting, cranial surgery (= surgery on the skull) and / or other surgical treatments are necessary for the patients with underlying defects of the bones of the skull. Sometimes the patient wears a special helmet to prevent trauma to the head and possible damage to abnormally wide (dilated) blood vessels. Physiotherapy, surgery, and / or the use of artificial limbs (prostheses) are recommended for patients who have no or only partial fingers, toes, hands, feet and / or lower legs

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