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Benign prostate enlargement in men: Urination problems

  1. In benign prostate enlargement, the prostate gland is enlarged. The prostate surrounds the urethra, the urethra. This condition often arises as a result of the normal aging process. When the prostate enlarges, the prostate partially or completely blocks the ureter, causing urinary problems. This deviation does not always require treatment. Many drugs, minimally invasive treatments and surgical techniques are possible to shrink the enlarged prostate and to solve the associated urination problems. The outlook for benign prostate enlargement is generally excellent. Left untreated, enlargement of the prostate will cause serious problems with the urinary tract or kidneys.

Symptoms: Urination problems

  1. Various urinary problems occur in the patient. This is because the patient has to urinate more, and this mainly starts at night (nocturia). Difficulties or delays in starting the urine flow, with variable and reduced flow of urine and dripping are other common symptoms. In many men, acute urinary retention (unable to empty bladder (completely)) or retention with overflow incontinence (suddenly urinating without urge) appears. Men also feel that they cannot empty their bladder completely, which can cause them to push more when urinating. Large amounts of urination (polyuria) or frequent urination (pollakiuria) are other possible urinary problems. Occasionally, a man will experience severe haematuria (blood in the urine), which is the result of a rupture of the prostate veins, bacteriuria (bacteria in the urine) or stone disease. Sometimes a man has to deal with severe kidney failure. Finally, possible radiative pain to the back

Diagnosis and investigations

  1. Diagnostic examination An examination of the abdomen is essential to detect bladder enlargement. In addition, a digital rectal examination is required for the inspection of the rectum. A benign prostate feels smooth. However, a good picture of prostate size cannot be obtained through a digital rectal examination. The doctor therefore performs a transrectal ultrasound (ultrasound along the rectum) and sometimes an intravenous pyelography (this is an examination that the doctor uses to detect abnormalities in the urinary tract). In addition, a urodynamic flow measurement


  1. Self-care In patients with mild to moderate symptoms, the doctor implements a vigilant policy, because the symptoms are sometimes more severe after treatment than if the doctor does not initiate treatment. Possible self-care measures for reducing prostate size include avoiding alcohol and caffeine, and getting plenty of exercise. Certain over-the-counter antihistamines (allergy medications), decongestants (including nasal sprays)

Ureter blockage complications

  1. Chronic bladder obstruction due to benign prostatic enlargement leads to urinary retention, renal insufficiency and failure, uremia (increased blood urea), recurrent urinary tract infections, haematuria and bladder stones.

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