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Blisters during pregnancy: herpes gestationis

  1. Gestation herpes is a rare autoimmune disease characterized mainly by the formation of blisters all over the body during pregnancy. These blisters - which can also develop under the skin - cause severe itching and can thus make pregnancy an agony. The itching can be controlled with prednisone. To protect the unborn child - for which herpes gestationis in itself is not dangerous - other medication is often not recommended.

Gestational herpes

  1. Herpes gestationis or pemphigoides gestationis Symptoms of herpes gestationis: blisters, blisters and a lot of itching Cause unknown Treatment of herpes gestationis

Herpes gestationis or pemphigoides gestationis

  1. During pregnancy a lot changes in the woman's body. You can suffer from all kinds of ailments that you normally never have. Hypersensitivity to certain smells, hunger attacks, pelvic pain, neck complaints, hyperpigmentation, the list is endless. While these complaints often do not last longer than a few weeks and give little reason for medical intervention, there are also complaints that are much more serious in nature. One of these conditions is the rare herpes gestationis

Symptoms of herpes gestationis: blisters, blisters and a lot of itching

  1. The most characteristic symptom of herpes gestationis is the appearance of blisters that cause severe itching

Treatment of herpes gestationis

  1. Herpes gestationis in itself cannot be controlled, but symptom control can be done. Itching can be reduced by taking corticosteroids

  2. Herpes gestationis in itself cannot be controlled, but symptom control can be done. The itching can be reduced by taking corticosteroids

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