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Just tested: multifocal contact lenses

  1. Many people who need glasses or contact lenses to see clearly in the distance, also have trouble reading the newspaper after their 40th birthday. You can of course change your glasses and reading glasses every time, but luckily it can also be more convenient. Multifocal lenses (and glasses) combine two strengths, allowing you to see sharply both far and close. Does that work well? Marianne tried it out.

  1. Marianne first wore distant glasses and reading glasses, which she wore alternately as needed. When it turned out that she needed her glasses more and more, she got tired of changing and tried multifocal lenses once two years ago. At the time, she was not so pleased with the power: with the lenses she did not see as clearly as with her glasses. Marianne switched to 'ordinary' single vision lenses for distance in combination with reading glasses. Now that we are two years on and developments have not stood still, Marianne is making a new attempt with multifocal lenses. Actually, she would like to get rid of those reading glasses that you always have to carry with you and always have to grab. She hopes that the lenses have been improved and offer good sharpness.

 € ‹Getting used to it

  1. After an eye test, Marianne receives a set of soft, multifocal lenses that will last for a month. Since she already has experience with soft lenses, she can immediately wear them without any problems. She has to get used to the multifocal effect for a few days. The reading area is not at the bottom like with glasses, but all around. The reading powers are cut into invisible rings, with areas for far, near and in between. After two weeks, Marianne returns to the optician because she does not think the sharpness of the reading part is sufficient. After a new measurement, Marianne receives different strength lenses, which she is quite satisfied with. With very fine print or inscriptions in an unclear color, she occasionally still reaches for her reading glasses. Sometimes she sees blurred vision even in the dark. Your pupil will then enlarge, causing you to accidentally look through the reading area. Your eyes have to adjust for a while. The optician indicates that she may have to lower the bar a bit. With multifocal lenses you will never see as perfectly sharp as when you had no abnormalities in your eyes and you could do without glasses and lenses.

 € ‹Advantages

  1. Marianne is now fine with the multifocal lenses for reading, computer work, driving and playing tennis. The advantages are clear to Marianne: it is nice not to have glasses on your nose and not having to reach for your reading glasses every time. She can now also buy sunglasses that do not have to be prescription and that is a lot cheaper. She likes to take the small downsides for granted, because the advantages of the multifocal lenses outweigh her. A

  2. Marianne is now fine with the multifocal lenses for reading, computer work, driving and playing tennis. The advantages are clear to Marianne: it is nice not to have glasses on your nose and not having to reach for your reading glasses every time. She can now also buy sunglasses that do not have to be prescription and that is a lot cheaper. She likes to take the small downsides for granted, because the benefits of the multifocal lenses outweigh her. A

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