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Lovage: health benefits, application, sowing and planting

  1. Lavas (Levisticum officinale) is a perennial plant of the Umbelliferae or Apiaceae family, and is one of the most important aromatic herbs in European cuisine. The aroma of lovage is so distinctive and characteristic that it can be easily recognized in herb gardens. In addition to its unique flavor, lovage has health-promoting ingredients that have made it an important medicinal herb since ancient times. The plant is also known as maggi herb or maggi plant, as its strong and distinctive scent is reminiscent of the maggi aroma, but lovage is not an ingredient of maggi. The taste of lovage is reminiscent of celery. However, the taste experience is much more intense. The fresh leaves are mainly used. But it is also possible to dry the herb.

Lavas's Profile

  1. Botanical name: Levisticum officinale Plant family: Umbelliferae or Apiaceae family (Umbelliferae or Apiaceae) Other names: maggi herb or maggi plant Sowing / planting time: March-April Flowering time: July-August Harvest time: May-September Location: sunny to partially shaded; nutrient-rich, slightly moist and calcareous soil Taste: it is a celery-like herb and has a strong and spicy taste and smell and gives a real broth flavor to dishes Medicinal use: stomach cramps, abdominal cramps, urinary tract infections, kidney problems, menstrual problems, eczema, pimples, rheumatism Use as a culinary herb: in soups, fish, poultry, savory food, cheese

Occurrence and cultivation

  1. Origin of the lovage

Application and effect

  1. Lavas is a versatile seasoning. The fresh leaves refine soups, sauces or salads. The maggi herb can make a valuable contribution to a healthy (vegetable) diet

Possible side effects

  1. Update

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