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Superfoods: flaxseed

  1. A superfood that is becoming increasingly popular at the moment is linseed. This is not surprising, because it contains a high content of important nutrients. For example, it contains a high content of Omega 3 fatty acids, which is good for the eyes, brain, skin and hair, and which has a preventive effect against cardiovascular diseases. This little seed can give a big boost to your health. But what exactly does this do for your health? How do you use it? And what about any harmful effects? This article answers all these questions and shows why this seed is rightly called a superfood.

What is it?

  1. Linseed is a seed of the flax plant, hence the English name flax seed. This plant is native to the temperate and subtropical regions of the world. It is used for food but also for fibers for clothing, for example, and the plant is also grown as an ornamental garden plant. Here linseed is often better known because it is fed to birds in winter, but nowadays more and more people are also using linseed in their daily diet because of its high health value.

Nutritional value and health

  1. Linseed is good for your body in several ways. Although there is no conclusive scientific evidence of a positive health impact, there is strong evidence that it has many beneficial properties. Linseed, for example, contains a high content of Omega 3 fatty acids, which are good for your brain, eyes and hormone balance, among other things. It also improves the quality of hair, skin and nails. Linseed also contains vitamins B1 and 2, magnesium, zinc, potassium and calcium. Linseed also contains a high amount of dietary fiber, which ensures better bowel movements and a feeling of satiety, which is beneficial for weight management.

Harmful effects

  1. As with all dietary supplements, it is wise to consult a doctor before use if anyone is on medication or has a condition. Linseed can cause a faster breakdown of medicines, which can ensure that the medicines cannot be fully absorbed by the body. For example, this can cause problems with blood-thinning drugs, blood sugar lowering drugs and possibly also the contraceptive pill.


  1. Linseed is available in different shapes. This way you can get the seeds whole, but also broken. In order to absorb all the nutrients from the seeds, it is best to consume them broken. It is best to buy them whole and grind them just before use. But the broken linseed from the store still has a high nutritional value. The seeds have a fairly neutral, slightly nutty flavor. They can be eaten in all kinds of ways, for example through yogurt, through a salad, in a smoothie or processed into cookies or muffins. Linseed is also processed into so-called linseed oil. This oil has a somewhat musty taste, and can be used for salad dressing, for example. The oil should not be heated as it will lose all good nutrients.

  2. Linseed is available in different shapes. This way you can get the seeds whole, but also broken. In order to be able to absorb all the nutrients from the seeds, it is best to consume them broken. It is best to buy them whole and grind them just before use. But the broken linseed from the store still has a high nutritional value. The seeds have a fairly neutral, slightly nutty flavor. They can be eaten in all kinds of ways, for example through yogurt, through a salad, in a smoothie or processed into cookies or muffins. Linseed is also processed into so-called linseed oil. This oil has a somewhat musty taste, and can be used for salad dressing, for example. The oil should not be heated as it will lose all good nutrients.

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