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The healing power of Jerusalem artichoke

  1. Jerusalem artichoke is good for people who suffer from diabetes. This beautiful plant is hardly used as an agricultural crop. Jerusalem artichokes are mainly found in the vegetable garden. It features two to three meter long stems and striking bright yellow flowers. The beautiful flower is not out of place in an ordinary garden. You can harvest Jerusalem artichokes in the fall. Other names for Jerusalem artichoke are: Jerusalem artichoke and earth artichoke. Jerusalem artichoke begs lightly for artichoke, hence earth artichoke. The Jerusalem artichoke is originally from North America. It can be eaten raw or cooked. Boiled Jerusalem artichoke tastes very sweet and can be a godsend for diabetics as an alternative and healthy sweetener.

Blood sugar level

  1. Jerusalem artichoke may be of benefit to people with diabetes or diabetes mellitus. Jerusalem artichoke is good for blood sugar. Jerusalem artichoke benefits both people suffering from old-age and type 2 diabetes. For this you have to eat the Jerusalem artichoke raw. You can grate or thinly slice it and put it through salads. The blood sugar lowering effect is caused by inulin in three ways. Firstly, inulin is a carbohydrate that cannot be digested by humans. This prevents the blood sugar level from rising. Inulin is also a soluble fiber

Jerusalem artichoke as a healthy sweetener

  1. Boiled Jerusalem artichokes taste very sweet because the inulin is converted into fructose. Sometimes a confectioner uses boiled Jerusalem artichoke as candied fruit. The sweet Jerusalem artichoke puree could be used in place of sugar in baked goods. For the same reason, soaked figs, apricots or raisins are also used in the making of sugar-free sweet cakes. This is how they originally made pastries. Who the history of sugar

Jerusalem artichoke against osteoporosis or osteoporosis

  1. Jerusalem artichoke promotes the absorption of vegetable minerals. The fermentation of inulin and bifidobacteria in the intestines ensures that acetic acid, butyric acid, propionic acid and lactic acid are produced. This causes the pH value in the intestines to drop. Calcium and other important minerals can be better absorbed by the intestinal wall if there is a lower PH value. 40 grams of inulin per day can increase calcium absorption by 58%. Calcium from plant foods is normally more difficult for the body to absorb than calcium from dairy. Calcium from milk is not good for the bones because it contains too much calcium without other minerals. Read more about that in this

Jerusalem artichoke against obesity

  1. Because Jerusalem artichoke is a diuretic, it is a food with a low calorie content and contains the bio-identical hormone phytoestrogen, Jerusalem artichoke can help with obesity. Some forms of obesity are partly caused by a person retaining too much moisture and Jerusalem artichoke can help to lose the excess moisture. Inulin gives a full effect more quickly so that you need fewer large portions to be full. In this way Jerusalem artichoke also helps against obesity. Jerusalem artichokes therefore fit perfectly in a diet that aims to lose weight.

  2. Because Jerusalem artichoke has a diuretic effect, it is a food with a low calorie content and contains the bio-identical hormone phytoestrogen, Jerusalem artichoke can help with obesity. Some forms of obesity are partly caused by a person retaining too much moisture and Jerusalem artichoke can help to lose the excess moisture. Inulin gives a full effect more quickly so that you need fewer large portions to be full. In this way Jerusalem artichoke also helps against obesity. Jerusalem artichoke therefore fits perfectly in a diet that aims to lose weight.

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