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Boys in puberty

  1. Although the girls seem to be further in their development, most boys at the age of 12 are also busy with puberty. Changes occur in behavior and the first major growth spurt occurs around the age of twelve. Pimples are a clear indication of changing hormones and a boy will notice this in his voice.

The beard in the throat

  1. Broadly speaking, boys get the 'beard in the throat' between the ages of eleven and sixteen. This term means that the voice will sound heavier with higher peaks being audible. The 'beard in the throat' often develops at a rapid pace. Sometimes it only takes a few weeks for the voice to go down definitively. Along with this development, the Adam's apple also grows and becomes visible. Especially when swallowing the Adam's apple is clearly visible.

Penis Changes

  1. During puberty the penis also starts to grow. Initially the penis gets thicker, but after this period the penis also gets longer. The testicles also get bigger and therefore hang lower. Hair growth is also increasingly visible. This does not only happen in the pubic area, but also in the armpits, beard and legs. So puberty is just as drastic for a boy as it is for a girl.

The first ejaculation

  1. The first ejaculation is when semen comes out of a boy's penis for the first time. This can happen at night while sleeping (also known as a wet dream), but it usually happens while masturbating. A boy is therefore immediately able to conceive a girl. The average age for the first ejaculation is 13 years and two months. Even if a boy has not ejaculated yet, he can make a girl pregnant. That's because the hormones cause sperm production.

The growth spurt

  1. A boy has a growth spurt between the ages of eleven and fourteen. Often growth spurts are sudden, which makes a boy sometimes seem a bit clumsy. Almost half of all boys also have to deal with gynecomastia. This is a physical development in puberty boys in which the breasts become somewhat larger as a result of hormonal changes. A bump develops under the nipple which can be a bit sensitive. The area around the nipple may also get thicker. Sometimes this occurs on both breasts and sometimes only on the left or right breast. Don't worry, gynaecomastia usually clears up spontaneously after a few months to a year.


  1. Boys often find it a problem to have blemishes, also known as acne. But pimples are the result of the change in hormones. These hormones are called androgens in boys. In addition, this hormone change triggers a boy's sexuality. A boy starts to have different feelings for girls or boys. Of course that can be very confusing, but it is very good to know that this is completely normal.

Developing your own opinion

  1. Besides all these physical developments, it is no wonder that a boy also changes in behavior. This is mainly because a boy develops his own opinion. This development is accompanied by influences from:

  2. Besides all these physical developments, it is no wonder that a boy also changes in behavior. This is mainly because a boy develops his own opinion. This development is accompanied by influences of:

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