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Different Ways to Fast

  1. Losing weight or detoxing by fasting can be done in different ways. You can fast completely, eating nothing and only drinking herbal tea and water. Or you can fast by not eating anything but drinking fruit and vegetable juices. We summarize the ways of fasting.

Juice Fasting

  1. The vast majority of people who fast do so in the manner of Dr. Bircher Benner. This Swiss doctor developed a form of fasting that has many advantages over other forms. The juices of fruits and vegetables are packed with minerals and vitamins. And the carbohydrates they contain are easy to digest. As a result, the fat is broken down much more gradually than with, for example, tea fasting. The nasty smells and noises are also less present with juice fasting. You can squeeze fresh fruits and vegetables yourself or buy juices (unpasteurized and without sugar). The first method is absolutely preferable, but then you have to drink the juices immediately after pressing. They quickly lose their value. All fruits are eligible for the juice cure, although you should take it easy with citrus fruits if you have a sensitive liver. Good vegetable juices that can be used for this treatment are carrots, endive, lamb's lettuce, lettuce, potatoes, sauerkraut, white cabbage, nettle, dandelion, spinach, tomatoes, beets and celeriac. Note: do not drink the fresh and bottled juices in big gulps. Slowly "eat" them with a plastic teaspoon. Let the juice circulate in your mouth for a long time so that the saliva can do its work. You drink about two liters of fluid per day, of which one liter is juice. Do the juice cure for one to a week and a half, depending on how you feel. During the first three days of taper you should continue to drink juice and only add ingredients to it. With fruit juice, these are biogarde, whole milk, protein powder, linseed extract, oat flakes or honey. With vegetable juice it is yeast flakes, cream, linseed, egg yolk or milk.

  2. The vast majority of people who fast, do so in the manner of Dr. Bircher Benner. This Swiss doctor developed a form of fasting that has many advantages over other forms. The juices of fruits and vegetables are packed with minerals and vitamins. And the carbohydrates they contain are easy to digest. As a result, the fat is broken down much more gradually than with, for example, tea fasting. The nasty smells and noises are also less present with juice fasting. You can squeeze fresh fruits and vegetables yourself or you can buy juices (unpasteurized and without sugar). The first method is absolutely preferable, but then you have to drink the juices immediately after pressing. They quickly lose their value. All fruits are eligible for the juice cure, although you should take it easy with citrus fruits if you have a sensitive liver. Good vegetable juices that can be used for this treatment are those of carrots, endive, lamb's lettuce, lettuce, potatoes, sauerkraut, white cabbage, nettle, dandelion, spinach, tomatoes, beets and celeriac. Note: do not drink the fresh and bottled juices in big gulps. Slowly "eat" them with a plastic teaspoon. Let the juice circulate in your mouth for a long time so that the saliva can do its work. You drink about two liters of fluid per day, of which one liter is juice. Do the juice cure for one to a week and a half, depending on how you feel. During the first three days of taper you should continue to drink juice and only add ingredients. With fruit juice, these are organic garde, whole milk, protein powder, linseed extract, oat flakes or honey. With vegetable juice it is yeast flakes, cream, linseed, egg yolk or milk.

Herbal Tea Fasts

  1. It is easier to fast with a warm liquid than with a cold one. You generally feel more relaxed. The heat also dissolves toxins better, you perspire better and your blood vessels become wider. In addition, all kinds of herbal teas have a medicinal and purifying effect. Detoxification is therefore smoother. Many types of tea contain minerals and are tasty. That is also important, because you can get a white 'cure tongue' from fasting. Then you get a huge bad taste in your mouth. Tea does not contain fats, sugars and proteins, so your body will soon use its own fat reserves. So you lose weight, but all that excess fat has to be broken down by the liver. He can have a hard time with that. Do not take a tea cure for longer than four to five days.

  2. It is easier to fast with a warm liquid than with a cold one. You generally feel more relaxed. Also, the heat dissolves toxins better, you perspire better and your blood vessels widen. In addition, all kinds of herbal teas have a medicinal and purifying effect. Detoxification is therefore smoother. Many types of tea contain minerals and are tasty. That is also important, because you can get a white 'cure tongue' from fasting. Then you get a huge bad taste in your mouth. Tea does not contain fats, sugars and proteins, so your body will soon use its own fat reserves. So you lose weight, but all that excess fat has to be broken down by the liver. He can have a hard time with that. Do not take a tea cure for longer than four to five days.


  1. Rice is an easily digestible substance. It contains carbohydrates, a little protein and also vitamins and minerals. This combination makes rice very suitable for a fast cure. You can do such a rice fast in the following way: bring one cup of wild, brown rice or brown rice with two cups of spring water almost to the boil. Let this be done in a covered pan on the lowest setting for an hour and a half. All the water should be absorbed into the rice grains. You can add some salt and yeastless soy sauce for flavor. Sea salt or gomasio is also allowed. What you now have is a 24-hour amount of rice that you should divide over three meals. Now comes the most important thing: take at least 20 minutes to eat one serving. If you eat faster, you will not keep up with the cure, because then you will get hungry between two meals. Chew the rice well and long enough that every grain in your mouth becomes completely liquid. In addition to the rice, you drink one and a half liters of fluid per day. This can be herbal tea, spring water, but also fruit juice. Talk to your doctor about gradually expanding your course of fruit and vegetables. Don't do the rice fast for more than a week.

  2. Rice is an easily digestible substance. It contains carbohydrates, a little protein and also vitamins and minerals. This combination makes rice very suitable for a fast cure. You can do such a rice fast in the following way: bring one cup of wild, brown rice or brown rice with two cups of spring water almost to the boil. Let this be done in a covered pan on the lowest setting for an hour and a half. All the water should be absorbed into the rice grains. You can add some salt and yeastless soy sauce for flavor. Sea salt or gomasio is also allowed. What you now have is a 24-hour amount of rice that you should divide over three meals. Now comes the most important thing: take at least 20 minutes to eat one serving. If you eat faster, you will not keep up with the cure, because then you will get hungry between two meals. Chew the rice well and long enough that every grain in your mouth becomes completely liquid. In addition to the rice, you drink one and a half liters of fluid per day. This can be herbal tea, spring water, but also fruit juice. Talk to your doctor about gradually increasing the course of fruit and vegetables. Don't do the rice fast for more than a week.

Lemon juice fasts

  1. This is a well-known cure that is especially popular for losing weight. But it is not exactly the best and safest of all fasts. You don't consume solid foods for a week. You only drink diluted lemon juice, which you mix with maple syrup to neutralize the sour taste. Now lemon juice is definitely not bad. It even acts like a kind of medicine, like an antibiotic. But citrus fruits in general, including lemon, are a heavy burden on the liver. It can be damaged by having to break down too much acid. Maple contains many carbohydrates and lemon many vitamins, but proteins are not used in this treatment. That can also cause problems. In any case, just like water fasting, this is a fairly rigorous and therefore not optimal way of detoxification. Do not take the cure for longer than four to five days.

Wei fast

  1. Whey fasts most resemble a combination of juice fasts, milk fasts and bread fasts. Whey, a milk extract that is left over from cheese production, is packed with beneficial proteins, vitamins A, B1, B2 and B13, milk sugar and minerals. That makes it a suitable detoxification product. You drink one to one and a half liters of whey a day, possibly supplemented with fresh fruit juices, spring water or herbal tea. You can do this cure for one to two weeks. Fruit fasting Just drinking for days on end is difficult for some people. A nice alternative, where there is still some detoxification, is a fruit cure. Fruit fasting is nowhere near as effective as juice fasting. But because the pulp gives you a feeling of satiety, you can keep it up more easily, especially if you have an active life. Three times a day you eat 200 to 300 grams of washed, unsweetened and tasty ripe fruit. The fruits you can use for this are oranges, apples, grapefruits, tangerines, grapes, berries, figs and melons. You can do a fruit cure for as long as you want.

Careful with fasting

  1. Because you consume less energy than your body needs, your body extracts protein from your muscles. This can lead to a decrease in muscle mass and muscle pain. For this reason, the Nutrition Center recommends not fasting for more than a few days in a row. Over time, valuable muscle tissue is broken down and the body does not get all the nutrients it needs.


  1. The effectiveness of a diet depends on many factors. Losing a lot of weight quickly is never wise, so avoid the so-called crash diets. People who are seriously overweight (BMI> 30) are better off consulting a dietician for a tailor-made diet than following a diet independently. Also keep in mind that most diets are meant "for life." Those who revert to their old diet will quickly regain the lost kilos.

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