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Energy drink: addiction detox

  1. Can energy drinks or energy drinks be addictive? Hell yes! Consumption increases every year, especially among young people. Even worse is that many people consume a lot of cans and soon cannot live without them. An addiction to energy drinks is not only costly and unpleasant, but also dangerous for your health. Physical burn-out, palpitations, but also heart attacks, diabetes (diabetes) and even death as a result are all possible. Reason enough to kick your addiction to this sweet drink. But how do you find the motivation and how do you kick it off?

  2. Can energy drinks or energy drinks be addictive? Hell yes! Consumption increases every year, especially among young people. Even worse is that many people consume a lot of cans and soon cannot live without them. An addiction to energy drinks is not only costly and annoying but also dangerous for your health. Physical burnout, palpitations, but also heart attacks, diabetes (diabetes) and even death as a result are all possible. Reason enough to kick your addiction to this sweet drink. But how do you find the motivation and how do you kick it off?

News: Girls more likely to have their periods due to sweet drinks, at risk of breast cancer - Feb. 2015

  1. Girls who regularly drink sweetened drinks often have their periods earlier than peers who do not use these drinks, often energy drinks. Using one and a half glasses a day usually brings the first menstrual period forward by 2.7 months, according to a study in Human Reproduction. A girl who had her period a year earlier would be 5% more likely to develop breast cancer later in life, and that can be called considerable. Although the 'only' 2.7 months would still be safe, the research states that young people often drink much more than 1.5 portions of energy drinks per day. Many girls could still fall into the increased risk group.

  2. Girls who regularly drink sweetened drinks often have their periods earlier than peers who do not use these drinks, often energy drinks. A use of one and a half glasses a day usually brings the first menstrual period forward by 2.7 months, according to a study in Human Reproduction. A girl who had her period a year earlier would be 5% more likely to develop breast cancer later in life, and that can be called considerable. Although the 'only' 2.7 months would be safe, the research states that young people often drink much more than 1.5 portions of energy drinks per day. Many girls could still fall into the increased risk group.

News: Doctors plead for ban under 13 years, cabinet: warning sufficient - Nov. 2014

  1. Pediatricians regularly see children who experience the health disadvantages of energy drinks, such as liver function disorders, stomach problems and heart problems. The doctors are calling for a ban on the sale of energy drinks under the age of thirteen. The popular sweet drinks are banned at 140 secondary schools in the Netherlands, but they are still for sale in shops for every child with money in their pocket, no matter how young they are. The cabinet considers the warning 'not suitable for children and pregnant women' to be sufficient, and argues only for knowledge dissemination about the adverse effects.

  2. Pediatricians regularly see children who experience the health disadvantages of energy drinks, such as liver function disorders, stomach problems and heart problems. The doctors are calling for a ban on the sale of energy drinks under the age of thirteen. The popular sweet drinks are banned at 140 secondary schools in the Netherlands, but they are still for sale in shops for every child with money in their pocket, no matter how young they are. The cabinet considers the warning 'not suitable for children and pregnant women' to be sufficient, and only advocates dissemination of knowledge about the adverse effects.

Why do young people in particular drink energy drinks?

  1. Despite the fact that energy drinks are also drunk by people who have already left the youth behind them, it is a fact that the youth is the largest consumer. In high school and among students it is often used to stay awake and fit during exam time and in busy study life, which is often supplemented by a side job

Energy drinks and the health benefits

  1. It seems harmless, a can of energy drink that you can buy freely in the supermarket, no matter how young you are. No warning on the packaging like with cigarettes. Then it can't be that wrong, can it? You're wrong. The high dose of sugar and caffeine gives your body pep when you actually don't have it, exhausting your body. You go beyond your limits. Sometimes that is not so bad, everyone does that sometimes, even without an energy drink. But going over your limits time and again is a real assault on your body. There is no time to recover, you live on borrowed energy, as it were. You become more tired and lifeless, and the temptation for another can is even greater. You have more chance of a burnout

What brands of energy drinks are there?

  1. Red Bull is the best known brand in the now huge market. Launched in 1987, it generated sales of 5 billion cans worldwide in 2012

How can you kick energy drink?

  1. Many people now also recognize the disadvantages of their often years of use and their dependence on it. Often they can no longer go shopping without buying the drinks. Like an addicted smoker, they don't feel good if they don't have a stock or a few cans with them. And just like smokers who often smoke a pack or a half a day, the energy drink users are often heavy users

After rehab

  1. You did it: you got rid of energy drinks. A life without going to the supermarket for your daily cans, no longer continuously monitoring your stock, no longer thinking 'do I have something with me' when you leave home. Life smiles at you and your body itself provides energy instead of having to get it from a can. You can hardly imagine why you couldn't live without the drink at all. But the pitfall is big. Because it goes so well without it, you think you can withstand the occasional drink. After all, you are no longer dependent. But one leads to more, so be careful before putting the first can back in your mouth.

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