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Horsetail for joint problems

  1. Horsetail or Field Horsetail is a persistent, even proliferating plant with a versatile use in phytotherapy. It is the above-ground green parts that are used. Especially with arthrosis and joint wear, they can give good results if used as a cure

Effect of Equisetum

  1. Purification, organization of the construction and supply of material are very complicated mechanisms and it is therefore not surprising that these effects have also been established in those three plants: it is not a single substance , which is responsible for the action, but it concerns the total of all active substances. This also shows the limitation of chemical medicines: it will never succeed in creating an artificial conglomerate of chemical substances that is able to develop the same effect without harmful side effects and just as reliably. Nor could it be possible to produce a nettle artificially.

Horsetail a monograph


    1. Osteoarthritis + Harpago and oligotherapy Many problems with joints and bone system: fractures, tendonitis, elderly with fragile bones, growing children, broken nails, caries (powder as toothpaste, but also internal) Urinary System: Chronic Cystitis + Solidago Cardiovascular: atherosclerosis, atheromatosis + herbs for the blood vessels (hawthorn, garlic ...) External: sweating feet (powder + salvia), nose bleeds, cellulite Note: Due to its high content of silicon and trace elements, Equisetum can be used as a dietary supplement for many ailments

    Older scientific research

    1. Ramel: Contribution à l'étude de microdosage de Silice. Thèse Doct. Univ. Pharm. Lyon - 1953. Leclerc: La Prêle. Journ. des Pract. - 1917. Leclerc: La Pharmacologie des Prêles. Clinic et labor. 6 - 1941. Leclerc: Les vertus thérap. des Prêles. Journ. the méd. et the chir. pratiques 2 - 1946. Vincent D., Bouquet G .: Effets de la Prêle sur la coagulation du sang. Thérapie 135 - 1947. Veit Marcus: Probleme bei der Bewertung pflanzlicher Diuretika. As Beispiel Schachtelhalmkraut DAB 10 (Equiseti herba). Ztschr. f. Phytoth. 16 / 331-341-1994. Commission E monograph, doc. Maurice Godefridi

    Recent research

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