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How does the "Is this in the Disk" tool work?

  1. With the tool below you can easily discover whether a product is in the Wheel of Five or outside of the Wheel of Five and why.

  1. You select the product of your choice in the tool. You will first see whether this product is listed in the Wheel of Five or not. If the product is not in the Wheel of Five, it will state why. You then select a quantity (pieces, hand, spoon) and then see for products outside the Wheel of Five whether it is a choice of day or week. A daily choice is a small choice outside the Wheel of Five. You can choose 3-5 of these per day. A weekly choice is a product that you should not choose every day. With a choice of week you see healthier alternatives from the Wheel of Five or which daily choices you can take instead of the choice of week. With a daily choice, you will see healthier alternatives from the Wheel of Five, if there are any.

  1. Nutritional values You always see the nutritional value of your selected amount. For example, you can see how much energy, fat, fiber or salt you are getting with it.

Thousands of products

  1. The products you can choose from are products from the Food Database (LEDA). The Food Database is an extensive database that manufacturers, supermarkets and government organizations are building together. It contains thousands of products. The database shows how many nutrients these products contain.

Not too much saturated fat, trans fat, salt and sugar and enough fiber in the Wheel of Five products

  1. Each product is classified in a product group. Examples of product groups are vegetables, fish, milk and milk products. The Nutrition Center has drawn up criteria for each product group. For products in the Wheel of Five, the criteria indicate how much saturated fat, trans fat, salt and sugar may contain a maximum of 100 grams of the product and the minimum amount of fiber in the product. These criteria are different for each product group in the Wheel of Five.

  1. Less calories, saturated fat and salt in daily selection than in week selection The products that are not in the Wheel of Five are divided into choice of day and choice of week. A daily choice are products that contain a maximum of 75 kilocalories, 1.7 grams of saturated fat and 0.5 grams of salt per serving. The other products outside the Wheel of Five are weekly choices. Sugary drinks and alcoholic drinks are always weekly choices.

Healthier alternatives to daily and weekly choices

  1. The healthier choices you will be offered are Disk of Five products from the same product group. So if you have chosen a type of cheese that is not in the Wheel of Five, you will receive alternative cheeses that are in the Wheel of Five. This applies to the product groups included in the Wheel of Five. For the product groups that are not in the Wheel of Five, such as sweet and savory snacks, if you have chosen a weekly choice, you will receive a daily selection from the same product group as an alternative. For example, a bitterbal instead of a croquette. You will only see a Wheel of Five alternative if it is a reasonably comparable alternative. For example, with a handful of nuts you get unsalted nuts from the Wheel of Five as an alternative. But with a whipped cream point you don't get fruit as an alternative.

Insight into your entire eating pattern with the Eetmeter

  1. The tool "Is this in the Disk?" Gives you insight into individual products. Do you want to know how that product fits into your entire diet? Then start with our online Food Diary "the Eetmeter" within My Nutrition Center or with the Eetmeter app

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