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How healthy is alfalfa and how do you use it?

  1. Alfalfa is actually the Dutch name for Lucerne. It is a perennial and for many people the name does not mean much until you see the vegetable. It looks suspiciously like bean sprouts, but the taste is different. What is the added value of Alfalfa, how healthy is it and do you use it in Dutch cuisine?

The basis

  1. Alfalfa or Lucerne is officially called Medicago sativa and is a native European plant, it is a so-called sprout vegetable (germinating seeds). A perennial that, depending on the location of the plant, can grow up to 12 years old.

For animals or humans?

  1. Alfalfa is grown worldwide for use in animal feed. However, in the Netherlands it is mainly dried artificially for the production of animal feed. It is very high in protein.

How healthy is it?

  1. What's in it? The whole plant is a source of health, but the sprouting sprouts in particular contain many vitamins and minerals, namely:

Against which disorders

  1. Alfalfa is a vegetable that can perfectly supplement the daily requirement for vitamins and minerals. It can work great for broken, brittle nails and split hair. But it also counteracts night blindness, removes moisture, helps heal wounds, counteracts osteoporosis and weak leg parts and stops bleeding. After all, it is good to eat regularly to keep the general resistance level.

How to apply?

  1. Fresh alfalfa can be kept in the refrigerator for a few days and can be eaten raw, but of course fresh alfalfa is the tastiest. Wash it well before use and then apply it (cold or warm). Some examples of how to use alfalfa:


  1. Alfalfa is not that well known, but besides being tasty, it is also very healthy. For a healthy diet, it is good to regularly serve alfalfa in various dishes. Unknown makes unloved ... but not for long, once you've tried it.

  2. Alfalfa is not very well known, but besides being tasty, it is also very healthy. For a healthy diet it is good to regularly serve alfalfa in various dishes. Unknown makes unloved ... but not for long, once you've tried it.

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