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Implantation: important step to actually be pregnant

  1. Pregnancy may be planned, but it often happens to the woman. Before it actually happens, the fertilized egg has to make the journey to the womb. In addition, the condition of the endometrium must also be optimal, so that implantation can actually take place. Implantation is therefore part of the process to conceive. What are the main steps from ovulation to implantation and how can it be recognized?


  1. Ovulation mid-menstrual period Favorable condition of endometrium Unconscious miscarriage Implantation and pregnant Formation of a membrane Umbilical cord, nutrition and HCG hormone First weeks are crucial

Ovulation mid-menstrual period

  1. In most women ovulation goes unnoticed. Because of the luteinizing hormone

Favorable condition of endometrium

  1. In order to achieve implantation, the endometrium must be in top condition. It means that both estrogen and progesterone levels are at the right level, so that the uterine wall has good blood flow. The uterine wall muscle should also be flaccid, so that the egg can penetrate easily. High acidity

Formation of a membrane

  1. If implantation is successful, a space is created for the further development of the egg. The fruit can grow in a membrane, so that it has good protection in sufficient amniotic fluid. That membrane is formed by the endometrium during implantation. It will grow continuously and stretch mainly with increasing amniotic fluid volume. If the woman unexpectedly has a premature miscarriage, it will look like an elongated flesh-like wisp. This is the released amniotic fluid containing the fruit. As soon as the woman gives birth after nine months, the membrane will break. This releases the amniotic fluid and the contractions

Umbilical cord, nutrition and HCG hormone

  1. Obviously, the growing fruit should have sufficient energy and nutrition. To this end, a connection is made with the mother in the form of an umbilical cord. This connection is already formed in the first phase immediately after implantation. The endometrium ensures that a blood vessel is created from the uterine wall to the child. During the nine months of pregnancy, energy and nutrient-rich blood flows to the baby via the umbilical cord. To achieve that, the HCG hormone

First weeks crucial

  1. Whether a pregnancy will be successful depends on the first weeks. The female body still adapts, so that the condition for the growing fruit is optimal. During that phase, many problems can still arise, so that it can still be expelled. As the pregnancy progresses, the risk of miscarriage decreases.

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