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Inflamed toe or toe inflammation: causes and symptoms

  1. An inflamed toe is a common problem that usually occurs in adults. An inflamed toe or toe inflammation can be caused by a bacterial or fungal infection such as a wound on the toe or an ingrown nail, improper nail trimming, etc. Like other types of infections, an inflamed toe will be painful and a little (pus) discharge may develop. Several medications can be prescribed to promote healing of an inflamed toe, such as antibiotics that kill bacteria. An inflamed toe can be prevented by taking precautions, such as cutting toenails straight and wearing properly fitting shoes.

An infected toe

  1. An inflamed toe is characterized by redness, swelling and pain. Toe inflammation is common, especially in people with diabetes

Causes of toe inflammation

  1. An inflammation of the nail wall is called paronychia

Risk factors

  1. You are more likely to get an infected toe if you have diabetes. Damage to your blood vessels from high blood sugar can make it more difficult for your body to fight infections. And diabetic nerve damage can cause you to not feel minor trauma, which can lead to a toe infection. People with a weakened immune system are also more likely to get toe infections. For example people with HIV

Examination and diagnosis

  1. History and physical examination

Treatment of an inflamed toe

  1. If bacteria are causing the toe inflammation, antibiotic cream or antibiotic pills may solve the problem. Fungal infections are treated with antifungals, which you apply topically or take orally. To treat an ingrown toenail, the doctor can cut away part of the nail and treat the nail with 70% alcohol, after which the toe is bandaged. In addition, it is important to avoid or treat possible causes such as pinching shoes, picking at the toenails and sweaty feet. Sometimes the infection can cause an abscess. When bacteria multiply, an abscess can form under the nail. In that case, abscess drainage is

  2. If bacteria are causing the toe inflammation, antibiotic cream or antibiotic pills may solve the problem. Fungal infections are treated with antifungals, which you apply topically or take orally. To treat an ingrown toenail, the doctor can cut away a part of the nail and treat the nail with 70% alcohol, after which the toe is bandaged. In addition, it is important to avoid or treat possible causes such as pinching shoes, picking at the toenails and sweaty feet. Sometimes the infection can cause an abscess. When bacteria multiply, an abscess can form under the nail. In that case, abscess drainage is

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