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Iron deficiency: symptoms, cause, consequences and supplement iron

  1. What are iron deficiency symptoms and how to supplement iron in food? Iron deficiency anemia is the most common type of anemia. The symptoms of iron deficiency anemia are: Spots before the eyes; Ringing in the ears; Dizziness and tendency to pass out Brittle nails; Decreased appetite (especially in children) Feeling sleepy, fatigue, listlessness and general malaise; Tired easily with exertion; Palpitations; Headache; Irritability; Pale skin color / paleness; Shortness of breath Sore tongue Hair loss. Iron deficiency anemia usually develops slowly, as it can take several months to run out of iron in the body. Groups prone to iron deficiency are: pregnant or breastfeeding women, menstrual periods, young people under the age of 22, and vegetarians and vegans. Most common iron deficiency symptoms are fatigue (tiredness), pale skin, restless legs, and feeling out of breath.

Iron deficiency symptoms and iron in food

  1. Iron deficiency anemia Red blood cells Iron stores are slowly being depleted Iron deficiency anemia is common Hemoglobin Cause of iron deficiency Poor iron absorption Blood loss Diet low in iron Risk groups Iron deficiency / iron deficiency anemia symptoms Consequences of iron deficiency Supplement iron through iron pills Iron in food: iron-rich foods Iron in food Food sources Recommended Daily Allowances (RDA)

Iron deficiency anemia

  1. Red blood cells There are many forms of anemia. Iron deficiency anemia is a condition in which the body does not produce enough healthy red blood cells (erythrocytes) due to a low body supply of iron. The body stores iron in the spleen and liver

Cause of iron deficiency

  1. Iron deficiency is one of the most common causes of anemia. The causes of iron deficiency

Supplementing iron via iron pills

  1. Vegans or people who have lost a lot of blood can take iron pills as a supplement. The Nutrition Center is advised not to use multi-vitamins

Iron in food: iron-rich foods

  1. Iron in food Iron occurs in food in two forms, as heme iron and as non-heme iron. Heme iron is only found in animal products such as meat, fish and poultry and is more readily available to the body than non-heme iron from vegetable products such as vegetables and bread. The body absorbs an estimated 25% of heme iron and the amount of non-heme iron you absorb depends on the products you eat. The absorption in the body varies per product between 1 and 10%, and depends on the solubility of the form in which the iron is present. It is known that vitamin C

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