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Losing weight with nopal by keeping the glycemic index low

  1. For many people, going on a diet means fighting sugar and fat. Their intake should be limited, but this is often easier said than done. Nopal in supplement form can aid in weight loss by keeping your glycemic index low. Nopal is available in tablets, combined with chitosan. When taken with water, it binds to fat and prevents much of the fats you get from your diet from being absorbed. This is a powerful weapon in the fight against the pounds!

Losing weight with Nopal

  1. Nopal: discs of the opuntia cactus Losing weight with nopal by affecting the glycemic index Combination with the fat binder chitosan Availability and use

Nopal: discs of the opuntia cactus

  1. Nopal

Losing weight with nopal due to influence on the glycemic index

  1. Nopal has also been discovered by diet experts as a supplement that can aid in weight loss. This is because there are indications that nopal has a beneficial effect on the glycemic index

Combination with the fat binder chitosan

  1. In diet supplements, nopal is often combined with chitosan. Chitosan

Availability and use

  1. Nopal + chitosan is available from the Fytostar brand and carries the brand name LipoBind. Besides nopal and chitosan, this supplement also contains the hunger-suppressing chromium

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