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Loss of taste, change of taste: causes, treatment, tips

  1. You often only notice how important something is when you have to miss it. Such as smell and taste. How does taste arise and what can be the reason for loss of taste or change in taste? Why are young children more sensitive to tastes than adults? What are the options for treating taste disorders? How can you still enjoy eating if you taste or smell less? In which books and on which websites can you find information on this subject?

Content article

  1. Taste and the development of taste Number of taste buds in a baby and in an adult Taste organs and taste buds Terms related to change or loss of taste Causes of taste change What can loss or change of taste lead to? Diagnosis of taste disorders Treatment of taste disorders What can you do yourself with taste disorders? Tasty and healthy food with all your senses by Joke Boon Other books and websites that provide information on the subject

Taste and taste development

  1. Broadly speaking, you can think of taste as the interplay of different sensory perceptions, but you can also describe it as the perception of sour, sweet, bitter, salt, umami and fat through the taste senses on the tongue and in the pharynx. The last two (umami and bold) have only been discovered in recent years. Umami

Taste organs and taste buds

  1. Taste organs perceive taste. Most of these organs can be found on the tongue, they are then placed together in groups: taste buds. There are also taste organs in the mucous membrane of the palate and pharynx

Terms related to change or loss of taste

  1. Ageusion: Reduction or loss of taste. Hypogeusia: taste reduction, especially with regard to certain substances. Dysgeusia: the normal taste is disturbed, what normally tastes good, now tastes bad. Gustatory agnosia: not recognizing a taste (and there are no problems with the intellect or with the taste).

Other books and websites providing information on the subject

  1. Websites (if your taste is different after chemotherapy) (tips from the association for people with smell and taste problems) taste tips with regard to nutrition for people with dementia together with a taste expert, breads have been developed for oncological patients who experience a reduced taste due to chemotherapy and medicines.

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