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Narcissism characteristics

  1. How do you recognize a narcissist? This is not easy because narcissists come in many shapes and sizes. They can appear very "normal" and lie convincingly. With their charm and flamboyant appearance, they pack almost everyone. Narcissistic personalities can be detrimental to your health and well-being, both physically and emotionally, through the use of narcissistic abuse.

Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPS)

  1. Narcissism becomes disturbing when someone has an insatiable need for the other's gaze. It becomes problematic when someone is very easily offended by criticism and demands that you take special account of them. Some narcissists have such a need for admiration and adulation that they are not even aware of their lack of self-esteem. These narcissists have a hell of armor around their low sense of self. Then you are really talking about people who belong to the group that has Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPS).

Healthy / unhealthy narcissism

  1. Where exactly is the boundary between healthy and unhealthy narcissism? First of all, it is good to emphasize that most of us have narcissistic traits. However, sometimes someone has extreme personal characteristics and annoying behavior, so that he himself is bothered by this and someone's behavior is so unpredictable or self-centered that the environment is bothered by it. And not every now and then, but almost continuously. The functioning of someone is then so disturbed that it can cause insoluble problems in the workplace and in the relationship with the partner, family and friends.

Different type of narcissist

  1. There are several theories about possible subtypes in Narcissistic Personality Disorder. One of the theories suggests that there are three sub-types of Narcissistic Personality Disorder. These three are grandiose / evil, vulnerable and the high-functioning / exhibitionist.

'Check-list' narcissism

  1. So while there are different types of narcissists, you might ask, How do I recognize it?


  1. Pathological narcissism is a spectrum of disorders and it is a complex phenomenon. I'm not implying that anyone who has similarities to this list is a narcissist. What I do want to suggest is that people who suffer from this all-pervasive mental personality disorder will be very similar to the behaviors described in this list. There is no better way to diagnose a narcissist than by looking at his relationships and how he applies his narcissistic abuse to his (ex) partners.

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