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Pregnant: pain in the groin

  1. Pregnant and groin pain. Groin pain is common during pregnancy, especially towards the end. Yet it can develop much earlier, sometimes around the 12th week. Pelvic pain and instability can be a cause, as can cystitis. in addition, there are more causes that we discuss below. When should you notify the doctor or midwife and when do the pain complaints arise during pregnancy?

Where is the groin?

  1. The groin is located between the lower abdomen and the upper leg. It is the fold of skin at the level of the pelvis / pubic bone. You could also call it the top of the leg. The groin is on both the right and left, so everyone has two groins. There are lymph nodes in the groin that can sometimes be clearly felt, especially when they are swollen during illness. Subcutaneous nodules / bumps can then be felt.

Pregnant and pain in the groin

  1. A common complaint: pregnancy and pain in the groin. This can occur on the left, right or on both sides. The pain can be mild but also so severe that walking is hardly possible. It may feel like you have done the split (gymnastics exercise) without being trained for it. The pain may also come on when going to sleep in the side position. Many women then pull up a leg, causing pain in the groin. Sitting can also make the pain worse. In addition, the groin may feel cramped or numb. Sometimes the force is temporarily lost, making the leg difficult to use.

Pelvic instability causes groin pain

  1. During pregnancy is often referred to as pelvic instability. Under the influence of the hormones, the connections between the pelvic bones become more flexible. This is necessary to make the delivery possible. This can cause pelvic pain. Only when the connections relax too much and the pelvis becomes unstable, we speak of pelvic instability. True pelvic instability occurs in 5 percent of all pregnant women. All other complaints are attributed to pelvic pain. Pelvic pain and pelvic instability are therefore not the same. Pelvic instability can be recognized by pain in the pubic bones / pubic bone, pain in the groin, pain in the lower back at the level of the sacrum, the pain can radiate to one or both buttocks. In the beginning, the pain complaints only arise when walking or standing, later also when sitting and even lying down. Turning over in bed can be very painful. The pelvis also feels very tired. This is caused by the muscles that have to apply extra force to keep the pelvis somewhat stable. Pelvic instability during pregnancy can be treated by a physiotherapist.

Pelvic Pain

  1. Pain in the groin can originate from the pelvis with pelvic pain. As already described with pelvic instability, the cause can be found in the flexibility of the joints between the pelvic bones. While the pain is annoying, it is not alarming. Only when the pain becomes unbearable and / or incontinence develops is it better to discuss this with the midwife or physiotherapist. There is a chance that pelvic pain has turned into pelvic instability.

Descent of the baby

  1. The descent of the baby occurs around the 30th week of pregnancy, sometimes later. This is necessary to make the delivery go more smoothly in the future. In addition, the chance that the baby will turn to breech position is reduced. Descending can cause pain that can be felt in the groin, the vagina and the pubic bone / pubis. Pain may also develop in the lower abdomen. Some women get a nagging and hanging feeling and may even feel that the baby is already half hanging out. Although the complaints are annoying, it is part of the deal and there is no cause for alarm. If you continue to worry or if the complaints increase, discuss this with the midwife / doctor.


  1. Women are more susceptible to cystitis than men. This has to do with the shorter urethra. Pregnant women are even more susceptible to cystitis. During pregnancy the resistance is simply reduced. With a bladder infection, the bladder itself can feel painful when you urinate. The feeling is often described as a burning sensation. Pain may also radiate to the back or groin. People often have to urinate small amounts and more often than usual. Cystitis can be treated easily and safely with an antibiotic treatment.

Non pregnancy-related causes

  1. Groin pain is not always related to pregnancy. Sometimes there is pain in the groin in pregnant women without the pregnancy being the cause. Other causes of groin pain are:

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