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Red cabbage: not just a winter vegetable

  1. A typical winter vegetable, that red cabbage. Or not? The red cabbage has a summer and a winter variant. The summer cabbage, available from May to September, is slightly more tender than the winter version available from October.

  1. It is one of the oldest types of cabbage: the red cabbage. The blue-red color is caused by the natural coloring agent anthocyanin. The intensity of the color differs per variety, but it is very difficult to remove any purple-red stains from your clothes. The red cabbage belongs to the head cabbage, just like white cabbage, pointed cabbage and savoy cabbage. These cabbage types are characterized by a closed head.


  1. Red cabbage is not only very tasty, but also very healthy. The anthocyanins in the cabbage have an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effect. In addition, red cabbage is rich in vitamins C, E and K, iron, beta-carotene, potassium, calcium and folic acid. It also contains a lot of fiber. The raw cabbage in particular is full of vitamins and nutrients: do not cook red cabbage for too long. This is not only at the expense of the 'healthy forces', but also the taste is less. Red cabbage is said to be good for the stomach and intestines. Nutrients in the cabbage help keep it clean, dispose of waste and promote its functioning. There are also stories that red cabbage is an excellent medicine for laryngitis, hoarseness and lung diseases. In addition, the cabbage would be useful in rheumatism and gout and protects against liver and bile ailments. However, there is not always scientific evidence for these statements.


  1. When you buy a fresh red cabbage, the crop and color are points to watch out for. The crop should be more or less closed and the cabbage should have a deep purple shiny skin. In addition, a fresh red cabbage feels firm and has crunchy leaves. The red cabbage from a pot or freezer often also tastes fine. It is processed shortly after harvest and is therefore actually very fresh. It is still full of vitamins and minerals.


  1. It is best to store red cabbage in a cool, dry place. Pre-cut cabbage will keep for a few days in the fridge, provided you cover it with cling film. Always try to eat red cabbage as fresh as possible. Freezing is also possible. First, blanch the cabbage for two to four minutes.


  1. To get your two ounces of vegetables on your plate, you need 250 grams of raw red cabbage. You can bake, braise or boil it, but also canning or eating it raw are an option. If you add lemon juice or vinegar to the cooking water, the red cabbage will keep its beautiful color. This also makes the texture slightly softer. The raw red cabbage is best when you pour it over with boiling water after chopping it. The real raw is then gone. More about cleaning red cabbage can be found here.

  2. To get your two ounces of vegetables on your plate, you need 250 grams of raw red cabbage. You can bake, braise or boil it, but also canning or eating it raw are an option. If you add lemon juice or vinegar to the cooking water, the red cabbage will keep its beautiful color. This also makes the texture slightly softer. The raw red cabbage is best if you pour it over with boiling water after chopping it. The real raw is then gone. More about cleaning red cabbage can be found here.

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