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Royal Jelly, a biological medicine

  1. Royal Jelly, or also called Royal Jelly, is a valuable biological product that can be used as an alternative medicine. This unique bee substance is naturally rich in vitamins and minerals. This natural product has been proven to be beneficial for certain conditions.

Royal Jelly

  1. Another name for Royal Jelly is Royal Jelly or Gelee Royale. It is a milky, white substance produced by young worker bees.

De Koninginnebij

  1. Royal Jelly is a milky extract that is secreted by the salivary glands of the young worker bees to feed the queen bee. Only the queen gets royal jelly all her life; the other bees only until they are adults. Royal jelly promotes the growth and development of a "queen" such that they can live to be twice as large and 24 times older than a common bee.

What nutrients does Royal Jelly or Royal Jelly contain?

  1. Royal Jelly is naturally rich in vitamins, minerals, enzymes, amino acids and other micro-nutrients.

The "power" of Royal Jelly

  1. Royal Jelly should not be seen as an "indispensable" nutrient, but it has been proven to have a revitalizing effect on the human body. It improves metabolism. Royal Jelly has been used as an intelligent "energy bomb" for centuries.

Royal Jelly is recommended for:

  1. Deficiencies in the body of vitamins, amino acids and minerals Pregnant women (especially in the first months of pregnancy) Temporary (over) fatigue Heavy mental or physical exertion Sporting performance Gastric, liver and digestive disorders Concentration disorders Stress Insomnia Depressions Age-related ailments, such as memory weakness Decreased appetite Weight dysregulation certain skin problems mild anemia

Obtaining Royal Jelly

  1. There are special beekeepers for obtaining Royal Jelly. Not in the Netherlands, because there are not that many hours of sunshine here. Well in Thailand and Burma.

  2. There are special beekeepers for obtaining Royal Jelly. Not in the Netherlands, because there are not that many hours of sunshine here. It does in Thailand and Burma.

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