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Sage and your health

  1. Sage is a very medicinal herb that you can let bloom at home. The name Salva (botanical name) comes from the Latin Salvere (to be healthy, to be cured or to save) meaning 'beneficial herb' and that is exactly what the herb is. In addition to the health benefits that you can read below, sage is also very good for repelling insects and eliminating animal and cooking smells. You can also rub the leaves of sage on your teeth to whiten them.


  1. Sage has a strong antibiotic effect (anti-bacterial and anti-fungal, such as candida). Aqueous and alcoholic extracts from the leaves are used for rinsing and gargling for mouth, gum, jaw and tonsillitis. A few drops of volatile oil in salt water is a good rinse agent for (infected) wounds and ulcers. The sage tea helps against bleeding gums and sore throats. Sage is also in many herbal toothpastes. It has an expectorant for example asmta.

Recipe for Gargle Water

  1. 1 teaspoon of leaves with ¼ l. pour over water. Let it steep for 20 minutes. filtering.

Sage reduces coughing and cold

  1. It also helps to prevent a cold in the chest. At the onset of the flu or cold, take 3 to 4 cups of tea daily. For chronic complaints, take 2 cups of tea or 3 teaspoons of tincture. Sage also helps against fatigue before or after a viral illness. An old remedy for pain is chewing three fresh leaves every day.

Sage is exciting

  1. But also astringent, antispasmodic and helps with restless sleep, liver diseases, to expel moisture, stimulates and regulates bile flow (useful during weight loss) and purifies the blood. Sage is also used as a tonic (for the heart).


  1. If you want to use an herb for a long time, a tincture is the best preparation method. Tinctures have a shelf life of approximately 2 years. A tincture is much stronger than a tea or decoction and is therefore also taken in milliliters (ml) or teaspoons (tsp). In general: 20 drops = 1 ml and 5 ml = 1 teaspoon. The average dose will vary from 1 ml to 5 ml 3 times a day, depending on the herb. Therefore always check the individual herbal dosages.

Method for tinctures

  1. Requirements

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