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Summer fruit: delicious and healthy

  1. Fruit is very healthy. It contains few calories and many nutrients. Each fruit contains different good substances. For example, the summer açai berry contains other substances than the classic apple. It is best to vary in fruit to take advantage of all the good things fruit has to offer.

  1. It is actually impossible to give a real definition of summer fruit. This is mainly because nowadays every type of fruit is available in the supermarket all year round. One person will call Dutch fruit that is mainly for sale in summer as summer fruit. Think of strawberries and blueberries. The other will think of more eccentric fruit, such as acai berries. Still another will call fruits from sunny countries summer fruits, such as lemons and oranges. A banana would then also fall under summer fruit.

Full of healthy substances

  1. Either way, everyone will associate summer fruit with tasty, fresh and healthy. And that's it! The great thing is that each fruit has a different delicious taste, as well as a different combination of healthy nutrients. In general, fruits are high in vitamins A, C, folic acid, fiber, potassium and calcium, and bioactive compounds such as flavonoids and lycopene. But the types differ considerably. For example, strawberries, grapefruit, kiwis and oranges contain a relatively high amount of vitamin C, a banana has a lot of magnesium, a melon a lot of lycopene and glutathione, exotic berries such as the acai berry and the aronia berries contain a lot of anthocyanins. [! 177914 => 1130 = 3!] Vary

  1. It is precisely because each type of fruit contains different (combinations of) nutrients, that it is so important to vary. By eating the same fruits every day, you miss out on the nutrients of other fruits. What applies to food and drink in general also applies to fruit itself: vary. That is the best for your health and so you get various vitamins, minerals, trace elements and bioactive substances.

Weight and Health Benefits

  1. In general, fruits are low in calories and high in nutrients. This ensures that fruit is good for your weight and your health. It can help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and cancer. The contribution to your health is greatest if you eat fruit twice a day. In the Netherlands we eat fruit once a day on average, so feel free to eat more, plenty of choice!


  1. Variation is important, so it is difficult to say which fruit is the healthiest. One species contains different nutrients than the other, but there can also be differences in the amount of nutrients within a fruit. For example, by the variety, but also by the soil in which the fruit was grown or the season and climate in which the fruit was grown. What can be said? That fresh fruit contains the most nutrients.

Top 10 household purchases of fresh fruit

  1. (Per household, in kilos) Apples 22.33Â Oranges 17.41Â Bananas 13.67Â Mandarins 7.44Â Pears 5.10Â Grapes 3.63Â Kiwis 3.44Â Melons 3.27Â Strawberries 2.78 Nectarines 2.07Â (Source: Productschap Tuinbouw, 2009)

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