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Sweeteners and sugar: the pros and cons

  1. For various reasons, sweeteners that replace sugar are increasingly in use. It is generally stated that alternatives to sugar help with weight loss and are less harmful to your teeth and your health in general. There are several natural alternative sweeteners and artificial ones. Natural sweeteners such as stevia and tagatose appear to be the healthiest, but pricey. Each sweetener and sugar has advantages and disadvantages.


  1. Substitutes are available in pellets, liquid form and powder. The pills, also called sweets, are suitable for coffee and tea. Powders and liquid are useful for baking. Even if you pay attention to the powders. These regularly contain aspartame, which loses its sweet taste when heated above 180 ℃.


  1. There are many differences between the many sweeteners. For example, there are sugar substitutes that are - almost - as sweet as sugar and they give slightly less energy. These are the so-called polyols: erythirol, isomalt, lactitol, maltitol, mannitol, sorbitol and xylitol. They do not cause tooth decay and are therefore often contained in dental-friendly gum. Too many of these substances sometimes have a laxative effect and can cause gastrointestinal complaints, gas and diarrhea.

Controversial: aspartame and cyclamate

    Natural sweeteners

    1. Then there are the natural sweeteners. Thaumathin, for example, comes from the berries of an African plant. It is 2500 times sweeter than sugar and therefore has the strongest sweet taste of all sweeteners. Another natural alternative to sugar is stevia. This comes from honey herb but is very expensive. A jar of 300 sweets costs € 7.

    Not too sweet

    1. According to researchers, sugar is not even that unhealthy. Eating healthy with sugar is entirely possible, as long as you don't eat too sweet. Sweeteners provide less energy than sugar. So it seems a suitable alternative for those who want to eat sweet and lose weight at the same time. But more and more research shows that this kite does not work completely. When taking low-calorie foods with sweeteners, you will likely experience a lesser feeling of satiety in contrast to sugary foods. Your brain does not give a "satiety signal" with low-calorie foods with sweeteners. The body then wants to compensate for the low calorie intake, so that you get more appetite. You will probably get the best results when you eat less sweetened foods.

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