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That is how healthy persimmon fruit is

  1. In the autumn months, kaki fruit or persimmon is widely available in the Netherlands. The orange fruit with sweet, juicy flesh and a somewhat firm skin is originally from China. There, the fruit is praised for its health benefits and beneficial powers. Five questions and answers about persimmons.

1. Where does persimmons come from?

  1. Although persimmon fruit is native to China, today it is grown all over the world - as long as the climate is moderate to warm. Think of Southern Europe, Israel, Brazil, Japan, Myanmar, Thailand and New Zealand.

2. Why is persimmon fruit so healthy?

  1. According to the Chinese, persimmon fruit helps against headaches, back pain, foot complaints and helps to increase resistance. These traditional health aspects turn out to be true, several researchers conclude time and again. Persimmon fruit is full of vitamins A, B6, C and E. Vitamin A ensures that the immune system functions properly. Although persimmons contain some vitamin B of several types, the fruit contains mainly vitamin B6. This vitamin is important for your digestion and resistance. Vitamin C is also good for your resistance, as well as for your teeth, bones and blood vessels. Finally, there is vitamin E, a vitamin that keeps the skin, nerves, muscles, red blood cells and the skin healthy. In addition to these vitamins, persimmons contain the minerals iron, potassium and copper, but also many antioxidants. These antioxidants help to defuse free radicals â € “aggressive substances â €“. This can have an anti-inflammatory, cholesterol-lowering and protective effect against various diseases, such as cancer.

3. What is the difference between persimmon, persimmon and sharon?

  1. The fruit that resembles a flat tomato is also called sharon fruit or persimmon. Persimmon is another name for persimmon fruit. The most common type of kaki is sharon. Sharon is a refined, seedless kaki variety that was developed in Israel. The sharon is sweet and can be eaten firm or overripe. Other types of persimmons often contain seeds and, due to the large amount of tannic acid (tannic acid) in the unripe variety, can only be eaten overripe. The different types of persimmons are difficult to distinguish from the outside, but in Dutch supermarkets especially encounter the sharon.

4. When is persimmons ripe?

  1. Persimmon fruit is ripe when the skin appears orange-red, glassy and overripe. The fruit then feels soft. It is juicy and has a very sweet taste. Unripe persimmon fruit is not tasty. When unripe, the fruit contains too much tannic acid, which can cause an unpleasant sensation in the mouth. The kaki variety sharon contains no tannic acid and can be eaten both firm and overripe.

5. How can you eat persimmons? You can eat persimmons with their skin and all, but because the skin can feel a bit firm, some people like to spoon the fruit out. Persimmons are delicious on their own, but also in a dessert, salad, with some yogurt for breakfast or in these easy and quick kaki tarts. Also read Stay healthy with 5 colors of fruit 6 facts and fables about citrus fruit Easy kaki tarts Don't miss anything?

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