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The healing power of bilberry

  1. The blueberry is super healthy but not very available. Nowadays, blueberries are for sale in every supermarket, but that is a different kind that is very similar. The blueberry is a tasty berry with many medicinal qualities. In World War II, British pilots used it against night blindness. The bilberry is indeed good for the eyes and is therefore prescribed preventively to diabetics who are more likely to have retinal degeneration. In addition, bilberry is good for digestion and blood circulation. The antioxidants in this berry ensure that atherosclerosis is less likely.

Naming blueberry

  1. The Latin botanical name for the blueberry is Vaccinium Myrtillus, not to be confused with the common blueberry with the Latin name Vaccinium corymbosum. Vaccinum is the common name for shrubs that bear berries. The name is derived from 'bacca' which means' berry 'and' vacca 'which means cow'. Cows really love berries. That is why the Latin word is named after the cow. It is called 'myrtillus' because it resembles the myrtle, another type of berry with the Latin name Myrtus Communis. In English this berry is called Blueberry and in German Schwarzbeere. Dutch

Dried and fresh blueberries for the retina

  1. Both the dried and the fresh berries act as a tonic or retinal strengthener. It improves microcirculation of delicate blood vessels, acts as an antioxidant

Fresh or dried bilberries for connective tissue disorders

  1. Silicon, vitamin C, malvidin and cyanidin all help build connective tissue or collagen tissue. The strength and resilience of connective tissue increase. The connective tissue is protected against free radicals that can damage this tissue. In addition, the gastrointestinal wall is protected against ulcers. Blueberry can be used for these medicinal properties / Source: Katarzyna Matylla, Wikimedia Commons (CC BY-2.5)

External use bilberry

  1. The tanning agents provide an astringent effect and antiseptic quality. Along with quercetin

Consult a herbalist

  1. Anyone who wants to use bilberry as a medicinal product is recommended to consult a herbalist. Bilberry extracts and medicines in the form of mother tinctures, powders, nebulisate, liquid extract, ointment, cream and capsules should only be used with the prescription of authorized persons. A phytotherapist can inform you about this, as well as about any side effects and interactions with medicines or herbs. In addition, there are medicinal combinations with herbs. All medicinal effects of this medicinal herb mentioned in this article are based on scientific research and come from Geert Verhelst's Large Handbook of Medicinal Plants, a standard work in the field of healing plants. The book is used in phytotherapy.

  2. Anyone who wants to use bilberry as a medicinal product is advised to consult a herbalist. Bilberry extracts and medicines in the form of mother tinctures, powders, nebulisate, liquid extract, ointment, cream and capsules should only be used with the prescription of authorized persons. A phytotherapist can inform you about this, as well as about any side effects and interactions with medicines or herbs. There are also medicinal combinations with herbs. All medicinal effects of this medicinal herb mentioned in this article are based on scientific research and come from Geert Verhelst's Large Handbook of Medicinal Plants, a standard work in the field of healing plants. The book is used in herbal medicine.

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