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The healing power of cassava

  1. Cassava is a tasty, gluten-free vegetable from the tropics. According to the Indians, it originated as follows. An Indian couple had a daughter who looked very white. She was called Mandi, which means white in the Native American language they spoke. One day the daughter became seriously ill. She passed away despite everything being done to cure her. On her grave grew the first cassava root that was as white on the inside as the girl's skin.

Multifunctional vegetable

  1. You can do anything with it. You can cook, bake, fry, steam and grill it. This root crop is used to make flour, which is often sold under the name tapioca flour. Cassava grows underground. In some countries, such as Indonesia, the medicinal cassava leaf is eaten as a vegetable, but other cultures look a bit strange. Cassava has long been known to be a vegetable that is low in minerals and vitamins

Always cook or deep fry

  1. Cassava contains cyanogenic glucosides that, if not heated in the body, may be converted into the toxic cyanide. That is why it is important to fry, cook or otherwise cook the vegetables. There are therefore no recipes for raw cassava root. Some types of cassava chips, which are fried too short, were found in an Australian study to contain too many cyanogens, but that was only one specific case. Many scientific studies have been done on the relationship of cyanide in cassava and health. These often lead to conflicting conclusions. One study says that cassava is diabetes

Vitamins cassava

  1. Cassava does not contain very many vitamins, but the vitamin C content is still there; 100 grams of cassava contains 34% of the Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA)

Minerals cassava

  1. There are not many minerals in the root cassava. 100 grams of this tasty vegetable contains 6% of the RDI of potassium, 5% of the RDI of magnesium and 4% of the RDI of phosphorus. For iron and zinc, there is 3% of the RDA in one ounce of cassava. Furthermore, 100 grams of cassava contains 29% of the RDA of carbohydrates and 4% of the RDA of fiber

Cassava against atherosclerosis

  1. In the Philippines a lot of cassava is eaten. This important root crop has been scientifically researched in this country and it was found that less oxidized cholesterol adheres to the walls of blood vessels with regular consumption of cassava. This causes atherosclerosis or arteriosclerosis and a range of other cardiovascular diseases

Cassava leaves against rheumatism

  1. The leaves of the cassava are edible, but not everyone thinks this is quite normal. The leaves are much more nutritious. They contain plenty of vitamin K and the amino acid lysine. The leaves contain more protein than the root. Traditionally, the leaves are mainly used in traditional medicine. It's a medicine for rheumatism. For this you have to boil 100 grams of leaves together with 15 grams of ginger root

More traditional healing power from the leaf

  1. You can also chop the leaves into a puree and apply to the head for headaches. Wounds seem to heal faster when bandaged with cassava leaves. Fever, diarrhea and worms are treated with a cassava leaf tea. The leaves are slightly bitter, which more often indicates a medicinal effect against these diseases. In addition, a tea made from cassava leaves helps to increase stamina.

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