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The healing power of cherry tomatoes

  1. Cherry tomatoes are an ideal candy vegetable. The cherry tomato is a tomato the size of a large marble. The cherry tomato quenches thirst, satisfies hunger and is super healthy. During the day or in the evening it is delicious to snack on the cherry tomato. You can also use these small tomatoes in warm dishes. The advantage is that you do not have to cut them. Cherry tomatoes taste great when cooked in the skin. You can also boil them and remove the skin. That is a bit of work, but it greatly improves the taste.

Aztec vegetable

  1. The tomato is originally a Mexican vegetable. The word tomato comes from the Aztec word tomatl which means swelling fruit. Columbus brought back some vegetables from Mexico, including the aubergine, corn, potato and tomato. Thus these vegetables were introduced to Europe. The tomato is in 4th place of the top 10 most healthy vegetables

Snack tomatoes on the train

  1. The cherry tomato is so healthy because you can snack on this nutritious and thirst-quenching vegetable instead of greasy bites or sweet cakes. In combination with other snack vegetables such as carrots and cucumber

Super healthy and easy snack

  1. For an overview of all the healthy nutrients in tomatoes in general, I refer the reader to the article “The healing power of tomato”. It can be added that tomatoes are good for the heart. The Phytonutrient

Healing properties of cherry tomatoes

  1. There is a lot of fiber in the tomato. These have a beneficial effect on digestion and therefore also prevent obesity. In addition, fiber has a preventive effect against diabetes. In addition, tomato prevents due to the presence of antioxidants

Peeled cherry tomatoes

  1. If you like to surprise guests, you can try peeling cherry tomatoes. You have to peel them like all tomatoes, that is, by throwing them very briefly, say, in boiling water for 30 seconds, and then remove their skin by gently pushing the skin off with your hand. Because they are less firm, you can put a piece of cheese, cucumber or celery under the peeled cherry tomato

Tomato promotes self-centeredness

  1. In France, the tomato is also called pomme d'amour which means love apple. You could feed a loved one with a cherry tomato, which is of course a very loving act. On the other hand, anthroposopher Rudolf Steiner found that eating tomatoes too much, especially in combination with potatoes, leads to increased self-centeredness. If we look at the US where fries with ketchup are eaten every day and society is very self-centered and not based on social grounds, then this observation, made from a spiritual point of view, could well be true. Your personal inner tribunal determines whether you eat enough or too many tomatoes.

  2. In France, the tomato is also called pomme d'amour which means love apple. You could feed a loved one with a cherry tomato which is of course a very loving act. On the other hand, anthroposopher Rudolf Steiner found that eating tomatoes too much, especially in combination with potatoes, leads to increased self-centeredness. If we look at the US where fries with ketchup are eaten every day and society is very egocentric and not based on social grounds, then this observation, made from a spiritual perspective, could well be the truth. Your personal inner tribunal determines whether you eat enough or too many tomatoes.

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