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The healing power of common elderberry

  1. In the past people made flutes from the elderberry. These were called 'flier whistles'. The elder has traditionally had a large number of healing uses. It was used, among other things, for the respiratory tract and against fever, colds and as a diuretic medicine. Elderberry is a plant that has been used by humans at least from the Stone Age. Now we know a number of medicinal activities of this plant, but in the past people saw all kinds of magical properties in it.

Naming elderberry

  1. The Latin botanical name for common elderberry is Sambucus Nigra. Sambucus is a corruption of the Greek sambuka which means 'flute'. Whistles were made from the young elder tree trunks in ancient Greece. Nigra means black; the color of the berries of this shrub. Dutch

  2. The Latin botanical name for common elderberry is Sambucus Nigra. Sambucus is a corruption of the Greek sambuka which means 'flute'. Whistles were made from the young elderberry trunks in ancient Greece. Nigra means black; the color of the berries of this shrub. Dutch

The magic of elderberry

  1. Common elderberry was already used in the Stone Age. Remains of the elderberry have been found in settlements from this prehistoric era. In ancient times, all kinds of magical properties were attributed to elderberry. It is a sacred plant among the gypsies. In Germany

Elder at the Antiques

  1. Hippocrates, a famous physician of ancient Greek times, considered elderberry as a diuretic agent. Dioscorides, pioneer of medicine and herbal science, prescribed it as a diuretic, bile-expectorant and expectorant. Elderberry was used as a cover to combat inflammation and ulcers. Pliny belonged to the ancient Romans

Elderberry from the Middle Ages to the present

  1. In the Middle Ages, the medicinal furor of elderberry grew to great proportions. Elder was called 'the medicine chest of the people' because it was versatile and versatile. Other names were ´Hill Plant; ´ or ´Wonder Tree´. Rembert Dodoens, the pioneering herbal scientist, recognized in the 16th century that elderberry has laxative, diuretic, expectorant and swelling-reducing properties. In the 18th century it became popular to use elderflower water as a wax and bleach for the skin; it could wash off freckles. The leaves were prepared into green ointment which was used to heal sprains and bruises, to treat chilblains and feet, to treat wounds and to combat hemorrhoids. In modern science it was Dr. Mumcuoglu which is the antiviral effect of proteins

  2. In the Middle Ages, the medicinal furor of elderberry grew to great proportions. Elder was called 'the medicine chest of the people' because it was versatile and versatile. Other names were 'sacrilegious plant' or 'wonder tree'. Rembert Dodoens, the pioneering herbal scientist, recognized in the 16th century that elderberry has laxative, diuretic, expectorant and swelling-reducing properties. In the 18th century it became popular to use elderflower water as a wax and bleach for the skin; it could wash off freckles. The leaves were prepared into green ointment which was used to heal sprains and bruises, to treat chilblains and feet, to treat wounds and to combat hemorrhoids. In modern science it was Dr. Mumcuoglu which is the antiviral effect of proteins

Active ingredients elderflower and elderberry

  1. Elderflower and elderberry are used. The bark is not used and the leaves are only suitable for external use. The flowers contain the following active ingredients: the flavonoids rutin, quercetin, isoquercitrin, hyperoside, antragolin, kaemferol, eldrine and ribosome inactive protein. Elderflower also contains tannins, mucilages, triterpenes, phenolic acids such as chlorogenic acid, coffee acids, p-coumaric acid and ferulic acids. It also contains essential oil, sterols, fatty acids, organic acids such as malic acid, valeric acid and tartaric acid, traces of hydrocyanic acid glycosides, potassium, proteins, bitter substances, resin choline and N-alkanes. The berries have a different composition. Elderberries contain the flavonoids rutin, isoquercitrin and hyperoside, anthocyanisides such as chrysanthemin, sambucyanin, sambucin, ribosome, inactive protein, the organic acids citric, tartaric, malic and valeric acids, cyanic acid glycosides including sambunigrine, glucose, holocin, and sugars, fructier, and sugars. sucrose and catechin tannins. Elderberries contain the following ingredients to a lesser extent: fiber, pectin, vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B6, C, choline and biotin. It also contains the minerals, calcium, iron and phosphorus

  2. Elderflower and elderberry are used from elderberry. The bark is not used and the leaves are only suitable for external use. The flowers contain the following active ingredients: the flavonoids rutin, quercetin, isoquercitrin, hyperoside, antragolin, kaemferol, eldrine and ribosome inactive protein. Elderflower also contains tannins, mucilages, triterpenes, phenolic acids such as chlorogenic acid, coffee acids, p-coumaric acid and ferulic acids. It also contains essential oil, sterols, fatty acids, organic acids such as malic, valeric and tartaric acids, traces of hydrocyanic acid glycosides, potassium, proteins, bitter substances, resin choline and N-alkanes. The berries have a different composition. Elderberries contain the flavonoids rutin, isoquercitrin and hyperoside, anthocyanisides such as chrysanthemin, sambucyanin, sambucin, ribosome, inactive protein, the organic acids citric, tartaric, malic and valeric acids, cyanic acid glycosides including sambunigrine, glucose, holocin, and sugars, fructier, and sugars. sucrose and catechin tannins. Elderberries contain the following ingredients to a lesser extent: fiber, pectin, vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B6, C, choline and biotin. It also contains the minerals, calcium, iron and phosphorus

The healing power of elderberries

  1. Elderberries shorten the duration of a flu because they contain sweat-floating and anti-infective substances. It works both antibacterial and antiviral. It is used by a phytotherapist for: flu, grippal infections, fever and colds with a fever. The anti-inflammatory effect of elderberry also ensures that nerve pain is reduced. In addition, the flavonoids give the elderberry an antioxidant effect. It can be used for facial pain, sciatica and migraine. You can then drink the juice of freshly squeezed elderberries. Do not use unripe berries and do not drink too much fresh elderberry juice. The diuretic effect makes it suitable for osteoarthritis, arthritis and gout. For this you can use the juice that has been heated first, for example by making a puree or jelly. You can eat more from this than from raw juice. The raw berry has a laxative effect and can therefore be used for constipation, An elderberry syrup, purée or jelly can be used as a sedative.

Consult a herbalist

  1. Anyone who wants to use elderberry as a medicinal product is recommended to take a consultation with a herbalist. Elderberry extracts and medicines in the form of mother tinctures, powders, nebulisate, liquid extract, ointment, cream and capsules should only be used on prescription by authorized persons. A phytotherapist can tell you about this as well as about any side effects and interactions with other medicines or herbs. There are also beneficial combinations with herbs. All the medicinal effects of this medicinal herb mentioned in this article are based on scientific research and come from Geert Verhelst's Large Handbook of Medicinal Plants, a standard work in the field of healing plants. The book is used in phytotherapy.

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