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The healing power of pedunculate oak

  1. In the past, pulverized oak bark was used as a medicine, but it contains so many tannins that there is a risk of side effects. Since there are countless phytotherapeutic alternatives available, acorn bark is no longer taken orally, or only very rarely and then in minimal amounts. However, a large number of external applications of oak can be indicated. The throat and oral cavity and the skin benefit most from the medicinal properties of the oak. From canker sores to sweaty feet, you can cure an entire alphabet of ailments with pedunculate oak. In several ways this is a beautiful tree.

Naming Pedunculate Oak

  1. The botanical name for this tree is Quercus Robur. Quercus is a combination of the Celtic words' Quercus' and Cuez '. Quer means 'beautiful' and Cuez means 'tree'. Robur is a Latin word and means 'oak wood'. Dutch

The oak in ancient times

  1. The Oak was a sacred tree among the Germans and dedicated to the god Donar, from which we have taken the name Thursday. In ancient Greece, the supreme god Zeus was dedicated to the oak. The ancient Romans used pedunculate oak leaves as an award for a special merit of a citizen. An oak was often planted at farms because this tree protects the house from lightning; it is a lightning rod. Thus Donar (thunder) protected man against lightning. The ancient Greeks and Romans were already aware of the astringent or contracting effect of oak bark. She used it against diarrhea and blood spitting. Until well into the Middle Ages, Europe was largely covered with oak forests, but uncontrolled logging swallowed up these primeval forests; something western society is now at rapid speed with the tropical forests in Indonesia

Rembert Dodoens and the oak

  1. Rembert Dodoens, the pioneering herbal scientist

Active substances common oak

  1. The bark is mainly used to make medicines. The leaf and the glans are used to a lesser extent. Tannins are the main active ingredients in oak. Tannins based on oak are called quercitannin. The oak contains gallotannins, pyrogallol, flobatannin, catechin, oligomeric procyanides and ellagitannin. Verdre the oak contains the anthocyanides leucocyanidin and leucodelphinidin, the bioflavonoid quercetin, saponins, fiber, beta-sitosterol, calcium oxalate, magnesium, manganese, potassium

The external healing applications of oak

  1. Exterior applications are the most commonly used applications for oak. There are so many tannins in it that oral intake can lead to excessive irritation of the mucous membranes. That is why in this article the internal use of natural medicines based on oak is not mentioned. In phytotherapy

Eating tips assholes

  1. As everyone knows, acorns can be roasted, chopped and eaten. You can use them in meals just like nuts; crumble them into the rice or spaghetti. In addition, the acorns are roasted and pulverized to use as a coffee substitute. That's called acorn coffee. You can mix these with roasted dried fruits or grains and the roasted chicory root

Consult the herbalist

  1. Anyone who wants to use pedunculate oak as a natural remedy is advised to consult a herbalist. Summer oak extracts and powders should only be taken on prescription by authorized persons. A phytotherapist can inform you about this, as well as about any side effects and interactions. All medicinal effects of this medicinal herb mentioned in this article are based on scientific research and come from Geert Verhelst's Large Handbook of Medicinal Plants, a standard work in the field of healing plants. The book is used extensively in phytotherapy.

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