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The healing power of real marshmallows

  1. Marshmallows are an excellent medicine for coughing. It is used medicinally against irritable cough, ticklish cough, smoker's cough, whooping cough and dry cough. Marshmallow is an ancient medicinal herb. It used to be used as a food. A few millennia ago, the Romans, Syrians, Greeks and Armenians ate this plant with great flavor. The dried root was used to thicken soups.

Ancient marshmallow

  1. In Iraq, pollen grains of real marshmallows have been found in a 60,000-year-old grave, indicating that the crop was already consumed at that time. In ancient Egypt it was used as a medicinal herb. In ancient Greece, people began to use marshmallow for coughs and sore throats from the 9th century BC. The Ancient Romans

Culinary tips marshmallows

  1. Young tops and leaves can be eaten raw as an alternative lettuce leaf in a salad. They must be finely chopped otherwise it is too fibrous and hairy. The leaves are used to thicken a soup or to make a soup. You can combine them with nettle leaf and potato. The leaves are eaten as a wild vegetable, prepared in the same way as spinach. The flowers are edible. Flowers to enjoy

Marshmallow, good for respiratory tract

  1. Marshmallow has a soothing and coughing effect on the airways. It is in phytotherapy

Good for digestive diseases

  1. Mucilages in marshmallows have a soothing effect and neutralize stomach acid. It protects the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines. Therefore it is used as a medicine against gastro-entritis or gastrointestinal inflammation. Also an esophagitis due to rising stomach acid is remedied by marshmallow. Heartburn is an indication against which marshmallows can also help. It is also a preventive against ulcers or ulcers in the stomach and intestines. It lowers blood sugar after meals

External use marshmallow

  1. The soothing and anti-inflammatory properties of marshmallows are good for fighting a variety of skin conditions. A procitis or rectal infection is treated with an enema or enema. Abscesses on the skin and boils are treated with a wrap. Marshmallow is an adjuvant for burns and sunburn. Minor injuries, scrapes, cracks, insect bites, varicose veins, allergic rashes, hives, dermatitis or inflammation of the skin, eczema

Consult the herbalist

  1. If you want to use marshmallow as a medicine, it is best to consult a herbalist. Marshmallow extracts and medicines in the form of mother tinctures, powders and capsules should only be taken on prescription by authorized persons. A doctor or herbalist can advise you on this. All medicinal effects of marshmallows mentioned in this article are based on scientific research and come from Geert Verhelst's Great Handbook of Medicinal Plants, a standard work in the field of healing plants. The book is widely used in phytotherapy.

  2. If you want to use marshmallows as a medicine, it is best to consult a herbalist. Marshmallow extracts and medicines in the form of mother tinctures, powders and capsules should only be taken on prescription by authorized persons. A doctor or herbalist can advise you on this. All medicinal properties of marshmallows mentioned in this article are based on scientific research and come from Geert Verhelst's Great Handbook of Medicinal Plants, a standard work in the field of healing plants. The book is widely used in phytotherapy.

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