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The healing power of yacon and yacon syrup

  1. Yacon is related to the sunflower. The leaves and root of the yacon are used to make a syrup with medicinal properties. The root is mainly used in syrup production. However, you can also eat this carrot as a potato; it is a medicinal vegetable as it reduces the risk of diabetes and reduces obesity symptoms.


  1. Traditionally use yacon Different kind of fructose The yacon as a sweet potato variety Yacon juice as a base for syrup Yacon syrup for obesity Yacon syrup promotes transit

Traditional use yacon

  1. Yacon comes from Peru, or rather: the Andes mountains. It was already used by the Incas. In Peru, Brazil and Bolivia, the yacon has been used as a vegetable in traditional folk medicine for its medicinal properties against diabetes, obesity and kidney problems. The yacon leaves are used to make a medicinal tea for diabetes, but it is not certain whether this is safe. This tea may cause kidney problems.

Different kind of fructose

  1. Although the carrot contains fructose, this is a healthy form of fructose because it is accompanied by inulin. Fructose in jams is a factory product made from corn; this is synthesized fructose that actually causes diabetes. The human blood sugar level does not go up when you eat yacon and that is remarkable for such a sweet vegetable.

The yacon as a sweet potato variety

  1. The Latin name of the yacon plant is Smallanthus sonchifolius. Yacon is used to make syrup, but it can also be eaten like a sweet potato. In the U.S. it is already called 'diet potato' or 'diet potato'. The yacon root tuber inhibits appetite and is therefore a useful remedy for obesity. That while this root promotes the absorption of minerals; you eat less but get more nutrients! The root has probiotic effects. This means that good bacteria are stimulated in their growth, so that the mineral absorption can take place more efficiently.

Yacon juice as a base for syrup

  1. The juice of the yacon bush is one of the healthiest sweeteners in the world, along with stevia, palm sugar and honey. Yacon syrup does not increase blood sugar. This makes it an ideal product for people with diabetes mellitus or people who have entered a pre-stage of diabetes, such as insulin resistance or metabolic syndrome. Yacon syrup contains fructo-moligosaccharides (FOS). FOS is a food source for a variety of good bacteria in the digestive system.

Yacon syrup for obesity

  1. According to an Argentinian scientific study from 2008, women who consume yacon syrup instead of sugar lose weight! The women who studied all suffered from insulin resistance and the symptoms of this condition decreased significantly during the yacon syrup period . Even obesity symptoms decreased.

Yacon syrup promotes transit

  1. A preliminary study conducted in Switzerland in 2008 led by M Geyer of the Department of Gastroenterology, University Hospital Basel, shows that the consumption of yacon syrup reduces the transit time of food in the intestines . In other words, bowel movements take place faster. This may be a good reason that obesity symptoms are reduced. However, more research is needed to confirm this data; the survey was conducted among 20 people, and that number is too small to draw definitive conclusions.

  2. A preliminary study conducted in Switzerland in 2008 led by M Geyer of the Department of Gastroenterology, University Hospital Basel, shows that consuming yacon syrup reduces the transit time of food in the intestines . In other words, bowel movements take place faster. This may be a good reason that obesity symptoms are reduced. However, more research is needed to confirm this data; the survey was conducted among 20 people, and that number is too small to draw definitive conclusions.

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