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Tubal Cancer: Cancer of fallopian tubes with pelvic pain

  1. Tubal cancer is a rare type of cancer that usually affects women over the age of 40. For unknown reasons, a malignant tumor develops in one or both fallopian tubes. The woman experiences pelvic pain, abnormal vaginal bleeding and abnormal vaginal discharge as a result. When one or more of these signs appear, a doctor's advice is always needed. Various examinations are followed by treatment which usually consists of surgery, radiotherapy and / or chemotherapy. In addition, a woman is also offered emotional support to deal with this type of cancer. Prognosis depends on many factors, but prompt diagnosis and treatment increases life expectancy in tubal cancer.

What are the fallopian tubes?

  1. The fallopian tubes are a pair of thin tubes that carry a woman's egg cells from the ovaries (where they are) to the uterus

Epidemiology of fallopian tube cancer in women

  1. Cancer

Tubal Cancer Causes

  1. Tubal cancer is a type of cancer that starts in the fallopian tubes. Normally, cells in the body grow and divide to replace old or damaged cells in the body. This growth is highly regulated, and once enough cells are produced to replace the old cells, normal cells stop dividing. Tumors occur when there is an error in this regulation and cells continue to grow in an uncontrolled manner. Cancer of the fallopian tubes is an abnormal growth of malignant cells in one or both fallopian tubes in a woman. Typically, papillary serous adenocarcinomas develop in the fallopian tubes. These cancers grow from cells that line the fallopian tubes. Sporadically, smooth muscle tumors form in the fallopian tubes. These malignancies are known as sarcomas

Diagnosis and investigations

  1. Interview and physical examination


  1. Remove cancer Surgery is the main treatment for fallopian tube cancer. The type of surgery the woman receives depends on the cancer stage, the size of the tumor and the possible spread of the cancer (metastases). A salpingo-ovariectomy is the medical term for the surgical removal of one or both fallopian tubes and ovaries. This surgical technique is used by the doctor to treat fallopian tube cancer at an early stage. In a total hysterectomy, the doctor removes the uterus, ovaries and fallopian tubes completely. The woman will receive chemotherapy after surgery to destroy any remaining cancer cells. Chemotherapy uses powerful drugs to kill or stop cancer cells from growing, but it often causes side effects. Sometimes a woman receives radiotherapy before the operation

Pregnancy after cancer of the fallopian tube

  1. A woman with ovarian cancer who receives treatments for this type of cancer often has reduced fertility


  1. The outlook for fallopian tube cancer depends on many factors including the woman's general health, stage of cancer, tumor type, treatment effectiveness, and the woman's age. Younger women generally have a better prognosis than older women. The five-year survival is on average 87% when cancer is detected in time. If there are already metastases in other parts of the body, the five-year survival is 40%.

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