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Vegetable Sources of B12

  1. Scientists still do not know why children who only live on a vegetarian diet do not have a vitamin B12 deficiency. The shortage of a statement is filled by stating that food must be mixed with animal feces. This totally nonsensical and unscientific assumption can be read in many scientific articles. Repetition is an art in science; in school and university, the best students are the ones who can most accurately repeat their teacher.

B12 deficiency hardly ever occurs

  1. Firstly, it is good to say that B12 deficiency hardly occurs in vegans. Vegans are vegetarians who also do not eat animal products such as honey, milk, butter, cheese and eggs. An old study from 1997 shows that only 8% of vegans have a B12 deficiency. This can be read in a book by Michel Post which has been placed on the internet in its entirety. That is no reason to deviate from veganism, if you are in favor of it, because eating meat leads to many more complications, usually in the form of serious lifestyle diseases; it is one of the causes of cancer and cardiovascular disease. You can also suffer from diabetes mellitus or obesity all your life

Do people make B12 meaningless?

  1. Third, people produce B12 themselves, although science has not yet been able to prove that B12 is absorbed into the body. B12 is produced in the intestines of humans. Animals do that too. Only scientists repeat each other by constantly pointing out that B12 production in humans takes place in a part of the intestines where we no longer absorb nutrients. However, that is the question. This is something that has never been proven. 10 years ago, scientists thought we used only 10% of the brain and that brain cells were never regenerated; that both turned out to be nonsense. In fact, it had not yet been proven that the brain cells could regenerate and that we had not yet been proven to use more than 10% of the brain's capacity. Similarly, it has not yet been proven

Myth: B12 is only in meat

  1. A frequent repetition among scientists is the myth that B12 is only found in meat

The liver contains B12 stock for 3 years

  1. B12 is stored in the liver. A B12 deficiency is difficult to get because an average liver contains a three-year supply of B12. But if you take medication on a daily basis, a B12 deficiency can be expected within a few years. Medicines cause the liver to work less well and that food nutrients are less absorbed. B12 deficiency is therefore the wrong word; those who do not want to violate the truth speak of a drug surplus

Tempeh and the inferior Western production method

  1. Tempeh made in Taiwan, Indonesia

Beware of liver damage from alcohol or drugs

  1. Below are several plant sources of B12. In addition to meat, B12 is found in animal products such as eggs, cheese and milk. Only vegans who use medication or drink a lot of alcohol run the risk of developing symptoms of B12 deficiency such as fatigue after a few years due to liver damage and intestinal flora disturbance, which are in fact attributable to drugs and alcohol, rather than a lack of B12. intake. Incidentally, it is true that B12 is much less common in plants than other vitamins

  2. Below are several plant sources of B12. In addition to meat, B12 is found in animal products such as eggs, cheese and milk. Only vegans who use medication or drink a lot of alcohol run the risk of developing symptoms of B12 deficiency such as fatigue after a few years due to liver damage and intestinal flora disturbance, which are in fact due to drugs and alcohol, rather than a lack of B12. intake. Incidentally, it is true that B12 is much less common in plants than other vitamins

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