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Vitamin D: answers from the Nutrition Center

  1. Drugstores often receive questions from people about vitamin D. For example: when it is summer, don't you automatically get enough vitamin D? Or: I always hear that a healthy diet simply contains enough vitamins, so why would you take extra vitamin D? The Nutrition Center and 2000 national drugstores started a campaign to answer such questions. Here is the explanation of the 'who, how, what and why' of vitamin D.

Misunderstanding: Vitamin D is already enough in sun and food

  1. To start with that last misunderstanding: on the one hand, the majority of people do indeed get enough vitamin D, provided they are sufficiently outdoors and pay attention to a healthy diet. However, according to the Health Council there are certain groups of people who should take a vitamin D supplement every day. This is not only about people who do not get enough sun on their skin, for example by wearing a burqa. It also concerns people whose body does not produce enough vitamin D. And then there are also circumstances in which the dose of vitamin D that you get through food and the sun is not enough: then there is an increased vitamin D requirement. Patricia Schutte is spokesperson for the Nutrition Center, and she specifies: “These are women over 50 years old and men over 70 years old. But also for children from 0 to 3 years old, pregnant women and people with a tinted or dark skin. In addition, people who work shifts or wear a headscarf or veil, for example. ”

What does vitamin D actually do?

  1. In a nutshell: what do we need vitamin D for? First, for strong bones and teeth. Vitamin D helps adults and elderly in particular to prevent bone loss or osteoporosis and general bone complaints such as weakness or pain. Some of the symptoms of vitamin D deficiency are muscle weakness and muscle cramps. In children, vitamin D helps to prevent rickets, also known as the English disease. More information about vitamin D? Visit

​​Most uncertainties among parents of young children and the elderly

  1. ​​There are two groups of people who mainly seem to be confused, if you consider the questions that are asked in the drugstore. Roughly 40% of the questions come from people with young children, and the same 40% come from the elderly. One of the chemists interviewed explains what the questions are mainly about: “It is not always clear to people why they need vitamin D and the difference between the different preparations that are sold. the right dose of vitamin D, and about possible combinations with multivitamins. Now parents of young children usually come to the consultation office, where they can get an answer, but the elderly do not automatically come into the picture. is aimed more at the elderly, if only because the RIVM established at the end of 2013 that only one in four over-70s living independently does indeed take extra vitamin D, as advised.

Survey of the elderly organization Unie KBO

  1. On top of these figures, there is another survey among 750 elderly people from the Union KBO Elderly Organization, the largest elderly organization in our country. That study found that only a third or 34% of the elderly who do not get in the sun use a supplement. This despite the fact that this group does need vitamin D because of this. Reason for the Union CBE to join the information campaign. Director Manon Vanderkaa: “Sufficient vitamin D is essential for the health of the elderly. We want seniors to grow old in a pleasant way. Prevention, lifestyle and nutrition are essential in this. ”

To the approved chemist with questions about vitamin D

  1. Anyone who wants 'live' advice on the use of vitamin D can contact drugstores with the Approved Specialist in Self-care label. Of course you can also get advice here about other self-care remedies, such as cough syrup or painkillers. And what is the Recognized Specialist In Self-Care label? A hallmark for expert self-care advice and and educational activities, intended to provide a trusted place for consumer support in the use of self-care products.

The Nutrition Center and the right choice for nutrition

  1. The Netherlands Nutrition Center is there to inform people about and, where necessary, encourage them to make a healthy and sustainable choice of foods. The Nutrition Center offers scientifically based and independent information. The Nutrition Center also encourages food makers to take up their role in offering more responsible nutrition. The idea: to make "the healthy choice the easy choice". The Nutrition Center is looking for collaboration with local professionals and other 'players' in the field of nutrition. The Financing Center is the Ministry of Economic Affairs and the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport. Knowing more? Check out

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