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Weight loss and savings in one

  1. Many Dutch people are struggling with some extra kilos and the current economy is still struggling. So gloomy times? That's not necessary. With the belt diet you save money and you lose a few kilos.

  1. It seems simple: buy and eat less, then you lose weight and you save money. But: a hunger cure is counterproductive. The yo-yo effect is lurking and the temptation of quick, relatively expensive snacks is lurking. The trick is not to bite the bullet and still consume significantly fewer calories. This way you make healthy choices for your body and your wallet.

During the day: lots of beneficial fibers

  1. Fiber is your best friend if you want to eat healthier. Fiber-rich products such as fruit, vegetables and wholemeal bread are very satiating. With the belt diet it is simple: you eat a fiber-rich meal in the morning and in the afternoon. For example wholemeal sandwiches with lean toppings or yogurt with muesli and fruit. Apple syrup and ham are low in calories and inexpensive. The dairy that you take (maximum 400 ml per day, for example 1 mug and 1 container of yogurt) is lean or semi-skimmed, which is cheaper and healthier. You no longer leave the house without 2 pieces of fruit and a sandwich in the bag. You will not be tempted to spend money on the go. You will snack and snack considerably less. Fruit may not be the first thing on your mind when you want to save money. But if you eat with the seasons, fruit doesn't have to be expensive. In the fall and winter you buy apples, pears and tangerines and in the summer you eat strawberries and other sunny fruits.

Hot meal: less meat, more legumes

  1. By eating less meat you kill four birds with one stone. It is 'green', it is cheap and it (almost always) saves calories and saturated (= wrong) fat. You don't need more than 100 to 120 grams of meat per day. Legumes are a great meat substitute, because they provide fiber, B vitamins and iron. There are many delicious recipes on the internet, such as lentil soups, chili or Mediterranean dishes with chickpeas. Combine a salad with bread and a trendy bean spread. You can make these yourself in the hand blender from a tin of kidney or black beans, lemon juice, coriander powder, garlic, paprika and sunflower oil. Experiment until the spread is just the way you like it.

Healthy and cheap ready-made, is that possible?

  1. A bowl of lasagna for a few euros, you can't beat that, can you? Yes. From now on, cook twice more often and create your own ready-made shelf in the freezer. For example stew with lots of vegetables. Choose stock and some semi-skimmed milk to make it creamy. Replace bacon and sausage with lean meats, such as chicken or ham. Freeze half. With the belt diet, it is essential that you have an emergency supply of healthy, tasty food at home, if you don't feel like cooking. It is precisely at those times that fast, bad and pricey is attractive.

Get moving

  1. From cutting your own vegetables to cycling to the supermarket, becoming more active and cutting back often go hand in hand. Take a closer look at your day and write down the moments when you could have gotten more exercise. Leave the car more often. You can download running plans on the Internet that will help you realize your New Year's resolutions for the price of a good pair of running shoes. A gym subscription is then not necessary.


  1. Finally, a few tips: Have a herring or mackerel or salmon sandwich once a week. Canned or frozen fish is often cheaper than fresh and provides just as good healthy fish fatty acids. Do your shopping wisely. Make a list and stick to it. Just skip shelves of snacks and sweets when shopping. Buy basic products that you cut and process yourself. And above all: don't buy more than you need

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