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What can you do if you (possibly) ate something with E. coli in it?

  1. If you have eaten a product that (perhaps) contains the bacteria E. coli, know that the chance of serious consequences is small.

Symptoms of E. coli contamination

  1. There are different types of E. coli bacteria. In many cases you will not even notice that you are infected with this bacterium, but some types can make you sick. Usually this is not serious, especially diarrhea is very common. Children under the age of 5 and people over the age of 65 are more likely to develop kidney problems. They then become limp, very pale and are unable to urinate properly. This is called Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome (HUS) by doctors. HUS is rare and most people get well again.

  1. During the pregnancy E.coli is a bacterium that can make you sick, but it does not directly harm your baby. If you get complaints, make sure you drink enough. Do you get dehydration symptoms or bloody diarrhea and it lasts for more than 2 days? Then go to the doctor. It is important to always be careful during pregnancy.

When to see the doctor?

  1. See your doctor if you have dehydration symptoms and persistent bleeding from diarrhea. You have dehydration symptoms when you have to urinate little, are very thirsty and feel drowsy. It is especially important for the elderly, young children, pregnant women and the sick to go to the doctor on time.

How does a food infection develop and how do you prevent it?

  1. A food infection, for example by E. coli, is often confused with stomach flu or summer flu. See the video below to see how a food infection develops and what you can do to prevent it.

Report complaints

  1. Do you think food from the store, snack bar or restaurant has made you sick? Report this immediately to the Dutch Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority.

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