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Woman and nutrition: Pregnant, pregnancy and breastfeeding

  1. It is very important during pregnancy that the woman is very conscious about her nutrition. The embryo must be supplied with all the necessary building materials to a sufficient degree through the blood of the pregnant woman. Even while breastfeeding, the woman must be very conscious about her food intake: everything the mother ingests is passed on to the baby. [! 162330 => 1130 = 2812!] Embryo

  1. If you, as a woman, just discover that you are pregnant, you should immediately switch to healthy and wholesome food. The growing embryo must take in all essential nutrients to a sufficient degree through the blood of the pregnant woman. This means that the pregnant woman must be very conscious about her food during pregnancy and while breastfeeding. Everything that the pregnant woman ingests also receives the embryo.

Pregnant, the first months

  1. The first months of pregnancy are the most important period in the development of the fetus, the embryo. Why are the early months of embryo development so important? In the first months the embryo develops:


  1. Why is drinking alcohol not good for a pregnant woman and her embryo? If the pregnant woman drinks alcohol during pregnancy, drinking alcohol can cause damage to the unborn fetus. Especially in the first 3 to 4 months of pregnancy, alcohol can cause great damage to the embryo. The best thing a pregnant woman can do during pregnancy is not to drink alcohol. It is also better for the mother not to drink alcohol during breast-feeding.


  1. Why is smoking during pregnancy so dangerous for the embryo? The pregnant woman who smokes, because of her smoking, causes an elevated blood pressure with great risks for the unborn child. Other dangers of smoking during pregnancy on the unborn child are:

Nutrition pregnant woman

  1. It is very important that the pregnant woman during pregnancy and the mother take extra iron and calcium during breastfeeding. Certainly in the first few months of pregnancy, when the embryo develops all the organs, a shortage can arise in the pregnant woman, because the unborn child requires extra nutrients. What should a pregnant woman eat or not eat in order to meet the demand for extra nutrients from her unborn child?

  2. It is very important that the pregnant woman during pregnancy and the mother take extra iron and calcium during breastfeeding. Certainly in the first few months of pregnancy, when the embryo develops all organs, a shortage can arise in the pregnant woman, because the unborn child requires extra nutrients. What should a pregnant woman eat or not eat in order to meet the demand for extra nutrients from her unborn child?

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