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Yoga postures � nauli madhyana (cleansing exercise)

  1. The yoga practice nauli madhyana is part of a group of six cleansing exercises, also called kriyas (shatkarmas), in which the abdominal organs are thoroughly massaged by means of breathing techniques and muscle control. Nauli is a very effective method against constipation, among other things. It is an advanced exercise on the condition that one must first master the preparatory uddiyana bandha (abdominal muscle clamp). Nauli is not suitable for the average yogi and is best practiced under the guidance of an experienced yoga teacher in the early stages. Controlling this kriya is difficult, since in addition to the central isolation of the rectus abdominis muscle (straight abdominal muscle), abdominal muscles are manipulated, which are part of the autonomic nervous system.


  1. Origin of nauli Six cleansing exercises (shatkarmas) Nauli - the four variants Technique of nauli madhyana Considerations Health benefits of nauli madhyana Therapy

Origin of nauli

  1. The Sanskrit word nauli refers to the concept of ullola, which means 'wave'. Madhyana means "middle" and is related to the central isolation of the rectus abdominis muscle. Nauli can be considered an intensification of uddiyana bandha (abdominal muscle clamp). In the Indian yoga manual Gheranda-samhita, this abdominal exercise is called 'lauliki kriya'. Anyone who has ever seen a yogi practice the full nauli will appreciate the undulating movement (ullola)

Technique of nauli madhyana

  1. Do not start this intensive abdominal cleansing exercise until you have fully mastered the uddiyana bandha (abdominal muscle clamp). Consider it a condition. Also the mastery of j alandhara bandha

Points of attention

  1. Before attempting this cleansing exercise, it is important to know that practicing nauli madhyana generates tremendous abdominal pressure that can potentially harm the abdominal organs. This is especially true if you practice the aforementioned four variants or parts of nauli. Avoid nauli for high blood pressure and heart problems in any form, such as arrhythmias or heart failure. This also applies to eye disorders, back complaints, gastrointestinal complaints

Health benefits of nauli madhyana

  1. In kundalini yoga, nauli is used to stimulate the Manipura Chakra (solar plexus), the third chakra at the navel. According to the yoga manuals, the prana (life or nerve energy) during the practice of nauli is directed upwards through the main nadi (sushumma nadi), which runs along the spine. The influence of nauli would be very positive on the solar plexus and indirectly on the other chakras. The Manipura Chakra represents the "center" of man, called hara in Zen meditation. When stimulated, the ability to concentrate and the intuitive gifts will greatly increase. Nauli also has a positive effect on the metabolism (metabolism)

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