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Yoga postures � padmasana (lotus posture)

  1. Padmasana or lotus posture is a classic meditation posture. An asana that is a symbol of yoga practice. The Gheranda-samhita praises a variation of padmasana as a yoga posture that "makes all ailments and diseases disappear." Padmasana is a basic posture, but for many Westerners it is definitely an advanced asana. After all, the knees and ankles must be sufficiently flexible. It may take you years to be comfortable in padmasana. However, you may also settle for the half lotus position (ardha padmasana), siddhasana or simply the cross-legged position. You can also meditate in savanasa (corpse pose). In the lotus position, however, the back ideally remains straight and very few muscles are active to maintain the position. The lotus position is therefore rightfully the ideal asana for meditation.


  1. Origin of padmasana (lotus position) Technic Considerations Elaboration Health effects of the lotus position (padmasana) Therapy

Origin of padmasana (lotus position)

  1. Padmasana, or lotus posture, is a meditation posture from hatha yoga. The word is derived from padma, which means 'lotus' or 'lotus flower'. Asana means '(sitting) posture'. This very important yoga posture is recommended in both the Gheranda-samhita and Hatha Yoga Pradipika as being an excellent asana for meditation and breathing exercises (pranayama)


  1. Padmasana is without a doubt the most suitable for meditation. In this asana, the legs are clamped to the body through the feet. The leg muscles will then be completely relaxed. The back also remains effortlessly straight. So there will be no back pain. Not even after hours of meditation

Points of attention

  1. Padmasana should be gradually controlled to avoid injury. It cannot be stressed enough. This certainly applies to the average Westerner, who may only be used to cross-legged (sukhasana). When in doubt, practice under the supervision of an experienced yoga teacher. Janu sirsasana


  1. In padmasana the legs are intertwined. This position keeps the back straight. The back muscles will not protest to the experienced yogi. It is a very natural sitting position, although opinions are divided on this. In a spiritual sense you also sit grounded, rock solid and symmetrical on the floor. The physical balance can be felt and guarantees a mystical balance, as if you were between heaven and earth. The lotus position

Health effects of the lotus position (padmasana)

  1. Padmasana is mentioned in the Gheranda-Samhita and Hatha Yoga Pradipika as the pre-eminent meditation and pranayama posture. A variant of padmasana, in which the arms are crossed on the back so as to grip the toes with the fingers (chin on the chest, the gaze on the tip of the nose), is said in the Gheranda samhita that no disease is attitude is resistant. Also padmasana awakens the kundalini

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