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10 tips for losing weight

  1. You do not lose weight with a special diet, but you ensure that your daily diet changes. Everyone knows that sugar makes you fat. What you can do about it is eat sweet fruits and vegetables so that your sugar cravings are met by consuming healthy sugars that do not have the addictive effect of white sugar. In addition, you supplement your regular diet with healthy products so that you have less appetite for unhealthy things. Unhealthy things are: soft drinks, desserts, sweets, cookies, cakes, factory sauces and everything from jars, bags and cans. Healthy things are fresh products.

  2. You do not lose weight with a special diet, but you ensure that your daily diet changes. Everyone knows that sugar makes you fat. What you can do about it is eat sweet fruit and sweet vegetables so that your sugar cravings are fulfilled by consuming healthy sugars that do not have the addictive effect of white sugar. In addition, you supplement your normal diet with healthy products so that you have less appetite for unhealthy things. Unhealthy things are: soft drinks, desserts, sweets, cookies, cakes, factory sauces and everything from jars, bags and cans. Healthy things are fresh products.

1. Drink a vegetable smoothie a day

  1. Vegetable smoothies are simple to make, and tasty and healthy too. The idea of ​​a vegetable smoothie is that you get fuller and therefore leave other things alone. Lesson number 1 in making a vegetable smoothie is: keep it simple. Only choose the recipes that you like best. A basic recipe looks like this: Peel a cucumber, or use an organic cucumber that you wash well. Take a celery stalk. Add coriander leaf and basil leaf

2. Eat more potatoes!

  1. Potatoes contain an average of only 26 calories. A potato is rich in complex carbohydrates which, in contrast to simple carbohydrates, promote weight loss. Simple carbohydrates are, among other things, in white sugar. To use the potato for weight loss, you can make a spread based on potatoes. You use this spread to spread on your sandwich instead of sweet things. Boil or steam potatoes. When they are done, mash the potatoes and add organic milk to get a smooth whole. Instead of milk, you can also add cream or oil. Chop a quarter of an onion and mix it through. Also chop fresh parsley and basil to mix into the spread. You can finish the spread by mixing in some arugula lettuce or 2 to 4 young dandelion leaves

  2. Potatoes have an average of only 26 calories. A potato is rich in complex carbohydrates which, in contrast to simple carbohydrates, promote weight loss. Simple carbohydrates are, among other things, in white sugar. To use the potato for weight loss, you can make a spread based on potatoes. You use this spread to spread on your sandwich instead of sweet things. Boil or steam potatoes. When they are done, mash the potatoes and add organic milk to get a smooth whole. Instead of milk, you can also add cream or oil. Chop a quarter of an onion and mix it through. Also chop fresh parsley and basil to mix into the spread. You can finish the spread by mixing in some arugula lettuce or 2 to 4 young dandelion leaves

3. Make jam yourself

  1. Jam is a great fattener because it contains a lot of sugar and fructose. Fructose is fruit sugar. All fruits contain fructose. But the fructose in jam is of a different order. This is glucose-fructose corn syrup so that a refined sweetener is obtained that is hardly digestible by the body. It is only energy and is stored in the body as fat. Organic

  2. Jam is a great fattener because it contains a lot of sugar and fructose. Fructose is fruit sugar. All fruits contain fructose. But the fructose in jam is of a different order. This is glucose-fructose corn syrup, so that a refined sweetener is obtained that is hardly digestible by the body. It is only energy and is stored in the body as fat. Organic

6.Healthy snack vegetables and fruit

  1. If you crave sweet grate carrot

  2. If you long for sweet grate carrot

Fruit and vegetables instead of soft drinks and alcohol

  1. Soda and alcohol are thé fatteners. The chances of getting obesity, diabetes and even cancer and cardiovascular disease are greatly increased by these two widely sold products, which could just as easily be classified as "drugs." Fresh fruits and vegetables are thirst-quenching

  2. Soft drinks and alcohol are thé fatteners. The chances of getting obesity, diabetes and even cancer and cardiovascular disease are greatly increased by these two widely sold products, which could just as easily be classified as "drugs." Fresh fruits and vegetables are thirst-quenching

7. Eat a green salad every day

  1. Green salads can be eaten every day. Buy an iceberg lettuce and cut an inch thick slice at the top. Do this two or three times and you have a plate full of lettuce. Now you can start making the salad. Add olives without stone, pearl onions or capers, a dressing with mustard and vinegar, both of which digest fat well, and another vegetable such as tomato. You can add grated carrot to make it a bit sweeter. This is just an example of a salad. There are many possibilities to vary with it. You can also use onion rings, pepper shreds, cucumber cubes, an egg, pieces of boiled potato, raw sweet potato or different fruits such as pineapple, squeezed lime and mandarin

  2. Green salads can be eaten every day. Buy an iceberg lettuce and cut an inch thick slice at the top. Do this two or three times and you have a plate full of lettuce. Now you can start making the salad. Add olives without stone, pearl onions or capers, a dressing with mustard and vinegar, both of which digest fat well, and another vegetable such as tomato. To make it a bit sweeter, you can add grated carrot. This is just an example of a salad. There are many possibilities to vary with it. You can also use onion rings, pepper shreds, cucumber cubes, an egg, pieces of boiled potato, raw sweet potato or different fruits such as pineapple, squeezed lime and mandarin

8. Drink green tea in the evening

  1. Drinking alcohol is out of the question if you want to lose weight. Alcohol is not health-promoting for body and mind, but it is also a real fattener as most people know. In the evening you drink water, freshly squeezed juice, green tea or herbal tea. You can also pick herbs and make herbal tea yourself

9. Drink passion fruit juice in the evening

  1. Passion fruit

10. Not flour but wholemeal flour

  1. White flour contains carbohydrates that are poorly digested by the body so that all energy is stored in fats. Whole wheat flour is flour of the whole grain of wheat and contains substances that help digest carbohydrates so that you do not gain weight. It contains phytonutrients such as B vitamins, zinc, phosphorus, potassium and iron. Switch to a wholemeal flour cream sauce, pancakes with wholemeal flour, and wholemeal bread. If you leave white flour and use wholemeal flour in its place, you will maintain your structural weight.

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