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Are pickles healthy? Ins Outs

  1. They are served somewhere with every barbecue and drink: pickles. Not surprising, because they eat away easily, and they are a nice fresh snack between the sweetness and fatness. Between the fatty cubes of cheese and the nuts, they generally seem relatively healthy â € “but how justified is that impression really?

  1. Can you eat this snack without any restrictions, or does it have the necessary disadvantages? In today's article we look at whether pickles are actually healthy.

How are pickles made?

  1. Something that not everyone is aware of is that pickles are basically pickled cucumbers. It differs a bit per recipe and region which type of cucumbers are used for this. In some countries it is a related vegetable, not the cucumbers that we know in the supermarket. However, the pickles we buy in the supermarket are often made from our trusted cucumbers.

  1. To make gherkins, they are placed in a container of salt water. After a process that can take up to three months, they have then become sour and firm - the traditional pickles!

Vitamins and minerals

  1. These 'pickled cucumbers' contain a relatively large amount of vitamin K. With one pickle you get no less than 15% of the recommended daily intake of this vitamin! Vitamin K is especially important in your body because it regulates the clotting of your blood. If you are deficient in this, even the smallest wound can continue to bleed for a long time.

  1. They also provide small amounts of minerals such as iodine. This is a mineral that many people mainly get from bread. If you don't eat much bread anymore, it can be a good idea to watch your iodine intake a bit, to keep your thyroid gland healthy!

Are pickles healthy?

  1. Another oft-heard benefit is that they provide hardly any calories. If you hear all this that way, you would say pickles are the ideal snack. Unfortunately, there are also a few drawbacks to these pickled cucumbers that you better take into account! First of all, they are incredibly salty. They spent three months in a bath full of salt for a reason, after all - and all that sodium is pretty bad for your blood pressure.

  1. Especially if you always add a relatively large amount of salt to your food, you will have to watch out for this. Furthermore, gherkins ultimately contain very few useful nutrients. In fact, besides vitamin K and a small amount of iodine, they add very little to your diet.

Low-sodium pickles

  1. Anyone who likes to eat a lot of it can choose to buy low-sodium pickles. In the Netherlands you will find them in most large supermarkets of the Kesbese brand. These are also healthier on other fronts than most other variants. For example, the low-sodium variant of Kesbese contains less sugar than the traditional variants of other brands, and they contain a little more dietary fiber.

  1. Finally, the low-sodium pickles are more than twice as slim as other options, at just 12 calories per 100 grams. So if you want to serve pickles with your drink, this is by far your best option!

Pickles as snacks

  1. When you opt for low-sodium pickles, you have a fairly healthy snack. It can of course be healthier; as mentioned, they provide few useful nutrients, unlike many other vegetables and nuts. On the other hand, you cannot eat an unhealthy amount of it very quickly.

  1. They are therefore clearly preferred to the unhealthy snacks that you find in many canteens, such as chips and cookies. Do you try to keep your stomach filled between meals, and do you happen to feel like pickles? Then there is no reason not to eat a few! As always, enjoy in moderation!

  2. They are therefore clearly preferred to the unhealthy snacks that you find in many canteens, such as chips and biscuits. Do you try to keep your stomach filled between meals, and do you happen to feel like pickles? Then there is no reason not to eat a few! As always, enjoy in moderation!

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