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Colored carrots and the orange carrot from the vegetable garden

  1. The orange carrot is a healthy vegetable and is grown from a colored carrot from Asia. The carrot is ideal for different body parts and ideal as a snack in between, not only when there is a diet, but simply because a carrot is tasty. A carrot fresh from the vegetable garden is absolutely delicious. Just rinse and bite into a fresh crunchy carrot. Quit smoking? Instead of a cigarette, take a carrot!

The history of the root

  1. The Asians, Egyptians, and Romans already knew the carrot. They didn't know the orange carrot, only the purple, red, yellow, green black and white carrot, the original color of carrots. The first roots in the Netherlands came to the Netherlands in the 17th century through the V.O.C. In the Netherlands, the carrot was crossed until it had the orange color of the royal family is a theory. There is no evidence for this idea and orange roots have been seen in paintings from that time since Roman times. The orange color has become a world vegetable. However, in Asia, the red and purple color is more popular. The orange carrot is a cross of the wild carrot (Daucus carota). The wild carrot that we can encounter in nature. The color variants in carrots can also easily be grown by the hobby gardener in the vegetable garden.


  1. The yellow and white carrot are less sweet than the orange carrot and have less fiber. The purple carrot is sweeter than the orange carrot.

Sow summer carrots

  1. At the end of winter, at the beginning of spring, the seed of the summer root can be sown under glass. In March to July the young plants can then be planted in the ground. It is also possible to sow directly in the garden during these months. Loosen the soil deeply. In the spring, dig the vegetable garden at least one spit deep (dig clay soil for the winter). Sowing can be done "freehand", but a seed tape is simply very easy. Carrot seed starts to germinate after two to three weeks. Thin out the root tops so that there is room for roots to grow properly. Leave a distance between the foliage of about an inch. After a few weeks thin out again and then with three centimeters between the foliage. Summer roots can be sown until July.

Sow winter roots

  1. Winter roots can be sown from June. Thinning twice and harvesting is possible from September. Winter roots can be stored so that the roots are in stock all winter long. The winter carrot is thicker than the summer carrot and needs a longer cultivation time and is deeper in the ground. If the winter carrots are still too small to harvest, wait a few more weeks. However, the longer the carrot is in the ground, the more chance of carrot fly, an insect that lays the eggs in the carrot where the larvae eat their way out and cause damage to the carrot. Keep the roots frost-free in boxes with a layer of slightly damp sand.

The richness of carrots

  1. Carrots are more than just vegetables. More than just food that can be consumed in a diet. They are simply delicious and very healthy. Round, straight or colored, it doesn't matter. Our body benefits greatly.


  1. Your eyes benefit. Ever seen a rabbit with glasses on? A well-known joke to indicate that carrots are good for the eyes. Why? Due to the high content of beta-carotene. This substance is converted in a human body into vitamin A, which is necessary for the proper functioning of the eyes, among other things. Especially against night blindness. Adjusting your eyes to see clearly in the dark.

Gut effect

  1. Due to the high fiber content in carrots and the beta-carotene, your intestinal function gets a boost. Carrots also lower cholesterol.

Vitamins and minerals

  1. Carrots contain many vitamins and minerals. To be precise vitamins A, C, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12 and E. And the minerals: sodium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, copper and zinc. Thanks to all these healthy nutrients, roots have a vasodilator and stimulate the production of red blood cells.

Different types of roots

  1. The carrot, also called carrot, comes in many shapes and sizes. For example:

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