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Glandular fever

  1. Pfeiffer's disease is a disease that you can easily contract and not just get rid of. In this article you can find out how to contract glandular fever and what to do about it. Always useful to know if you or someone close to you has glandular fever.


  1. Sore throat, swollen glands, fever, not feeling like anything and being incredibly tired all the time. The symptoms of glandular fever. An annoying disease that I am going to tell you a little more about.

What is mononucleosis?

  1. Mononucleosis infectiosa in medical terms infectious mononucleosis is an infectious disease. The Epstein Barr virus causes the swelling of the lymph nodes, tonsils, spleen and liver. And is present in the salivary glands. A modern name for Pfeiffer's disease is therefore "kissing disease"

What are the symptoms?

  1. The most common and striking symptoms are: sore throat, fever, swollen lymph nodes and of course fatigue. Yet not everyone suffers from the fatigue. One person has to rest a lot while the other can continue with his daily activities. Other symptoms that sometimes occur are: enlargement of the spleen and liver, headache, nausea, sweating, bruising in the mouth and cough.

How can you get it?

  1. Glandular fever is a contagious disease. The virus resides in the salivary glands and is infected through saliva droplets. This can be done, for example, by coughing or sneezing, by drinking from a dirty glass, playing with contaminated toys, but especially by kissing. You may have had the virus for a while but it is sleeping. When your body weakens it strikes. It is therefore common for children to develop glandular fever in times when there is extra stress on their body. For example, through exam time, a new courtship, and other things that keep you busy. In this way your body forces you to slow down and get everything straightened out.

How long is the disease contagious?

  1. The incubation period for glandular fever is approximately four to ten days in primary school children. In young adults it is four to seven weeks. The disease is already contagious during the incubation period and remains contagious for up to eighteen months after the disease. Some people are still contagious for certain periods after that, they do not notice any further. This contagiousness is furthermore not dangerous for the people around you because most people have already experienced the virus and therefore have antibodies. Or be strong enough to overcome the virus. So other people are less likely to get infected.

Who can get it?

  1. Anyone can get it. Whether you are a boy or a girl here or living in America anyone can get it. Half of the children under ten have already been infected with glandular fever. This is often not even noticed. Because the symptoms are often not visible in young children and the disease usually only lasts a few days. During puberty and adolescence, the symptoms are often much worse. You can also be out of circulation for a few months. More than 97% of people over the age of 30 have already experienced the disease once and therefore cannot get it again. Pregnant women must be careful that infection with the virus during pregnancy can cause birth defects to the child. So they should stay away from people who carry the glandular fever virus. If the woman already has the antibodies in the blood, there is nothing to worry about. After all, the woman cannot get the virus again.

How do you know you have the disease?

  1. If you suspect that you have glandular fever, you can go to the doctor and have blood taken there, but there are also testers yourself. This is a very easy test where you drop a drop of blood on a picture, after ten minutes you can see from the picture whether you have glandular fever or not (for more info see opposite)

What should you do if you have it?

  1. There are no medicines for glandular fever. So the doctor cannot help you. All you can do is rest as needed. But there are still a number of things that help. Do not eat fatty foods, do not drink alcohol and drink enough water, buttermilk or fruit juice (about two to three liters per day). These are not drugs, but they do work well for the liver. You can also take extra hygiene measures in order not to infect others, but you can never protect someone else 100%. The chance to infect someone else always remains of course.

All at a glance

  1. Glandular fever is therefore an infectious disease caused by the Epstein Barr virus. The most common symptoms are a sore throat, fever, swollen lymph nodes and fatigue. The disease is contagious via saliva droplets from the incubation period and can last up to eighteen months after the symptoms of the disease. Anyone can get the disease, but once the disease has progressed, you cannot get it again. When you are sick, you should rest as needed.

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